California 4.4 Quake Causing Residents Concern

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

California residents shaken by an early morning 4.4 magnitude earthquake yesterday are concerned that the quake was not the main event.

Many residents are wondering if the quake was a foreshock of something bigger in the near future.

“Always the possibility that it’s a foreshock,” Robert Graves, a U.S. Geological Survey seismologist, told reports.  He added that it would be more likely a more significant quake would happen hours after the foreshock rather than days later.

Graves did say it was likely there would be more aftershocks.

Seismologists at the USGS have not yet been able to determine the fault line where the quake happened but have called it a “rather typical earthquake.”

However, a CalTech seismologist said the quake happened in the northern edge of the Santa Monica Mountains area.  He called it surprising because there had not been seismic activity in that region in many years.

2 thoughts on “California 4.4 Quake Causing Residents Concern

  1. I think I felt one tiny aftershock a few hours ago, it had to be like 1.3 or something, and I live about 7 miles from the epicenter; praise Father that it was as light as it was. When you first feel one start, its always disconcerting because you never know how long its going to last, or how strong it can become. The main quake was two very sharp up and down movements about a second and a half apart, and I live near Chatsworth Rocks in CA, just for comparison.

  2. I’m going to guess that this quake is a warning to the United States in light of President Obama meeting with Netanahu regarding the pursuading Israel to sign a Peace Treaty. What do you think? And they are probably right the big one has not happened yet thank God! But watch what the future holds if Israel is divided and the U.S. had any part of it!

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