Children Buried Alive In Kenyan Landslide

Luke 21:25,26 NAS “There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay (tension from difficult circumstances that "won't move" which produces distress or anguish – causing someone to feel "locked in" or “tightly pressed”) among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, men fainting (lose morale, become disheartened, like lapsing into temporary unconsciousness) from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world...

Heavy rains drove flooding and landslides that have killed 36 people this month and left more than 52,000 people out of their homes.

Two children were killed Wednesday as they slept when a flood of mud and water engulfed their home. Rescue workers at the scene are trying to recover the bodies. Several other homes were destroyed in the landslide in the village of Olutrot in Narok county.

Kenya’s rainy season is between March and May. Flooding is common but they’ve had higher than usual flooding this season.

A BBC correspondent on site said that many of the roads to flooded areas are impassable because of damage from previous flooding. The main highway from Kenya to Uganda is undergoing repairs because of flooding.

The Kenyan Red Cross is appealing for humanitarian assistance.

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