China Destroys Newly Built Christian Church

Luke 21:12 “But before all this, they will lay hands on you and persecute you. They will deliver you to synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors, and all on account of my name.

The Chinese government is opening up a war on Christians.

Authorities used police to break through a human barricade to bring in heavy equipment for the destruction of a newly built church in Wenzhou.  The church had made worldwide headlines when the worshippers formed a human shield around the building a month ago in an attempt to stop the government from their announced intent to tear it down.

The government claims they aren’t attacking Christians but that the building had violated multiple buildings codes and was unsafe for occupation.

However, church members have reported being harassed by police both at the church and at their homes.  Also, they have found electronic devices spying on their phone calls and at least one person has been harassed by secret police for a phone conversation.

The head of Zhejiang’s Ethnic and Religious Affairs Committee has said before the move on the church building “Christianity’s spread has been too excessive and haphazard.”

2 thoughts on “China Destroys Newly Built Christian Church

  1. Last days are right………….. repent so ye shall be saved…………………..not from tribulation, BUT separation from our Messiah.

  2. David Wilkerson saw the iron curtain countries being given freedom to worship while the US was under persecution, and then he said the curtain went down and those countries like China were run back under ground. We are in the last days.

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