China Removes Christ Statues; Claims Construction Violations

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

China’s war on Christianity is continuing with the removal of statues that depicted various parts of the Passion of Jesus.

The Chinese officials removed the statues making the absurd claim the statues were violations of construction regulations.

The statues were located on Longgang Hill in Wenzhou, which is considered “China’s Jerusalem” by Christian and Jewish residents.  The statues included images of Jesus, the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph.

Statues that could be lifted by Chinese government workers were lifted and demolished.  Those that could not be lifted were covered over with bricks.  Cranes are being brought into the area to remove the bricked-over statues.

Wenzhou is the same town where the government demolished a Christian church that took 12 years to build because they said it too violated construction codes.  Christian residents of the community say that there were no code violations and the government is lying to cover up an assault on Christians in the nation.

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