China’s Christians Facing Increased Persecution

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

The Chinese government has begun a significant crackdown on house churches in the country, forcing them to have “patriotic” gatherings or be sent to prison where they are tortured, according to human rights advocates.

China Aid, a Texas-based human rights group, said the government is engaging in a “three-phase plan” to destroy all house churches in the country. Persecution of Christians in China rose 42 percent last year.

“There have been new tactics of persecution as well, especially with the government using secret directives and memos with long-term, step-by-step strategies to eradicate house churches,” Bob Fu of China Aid told Fox News.

Instead of using law enforcement to harass churches and Christians, the government is working with utility companies to shut off water and power to those identifying as followers in Christ. Landlords are being ordered to not renew leases or evict Christians from their homes and apartments.

The move by the government is an attempt to keep foreign media from discovering the campaign against Christians believing that western press would actually report on the persecution of Christians.

One thought on “China’s Christians Facing Increased Persecution

  1. This is coming here. I don’t think we as the church realize what it’s going to be like. Jesus said in Matthew 24:10 “And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.” He’s talking to the church! We’ve heard about all of Obama’s “Executive Orders” that bypass Due Process, Habeas Corpus and Posse Comitatis. When people can be made to “disappear” or be assassinated on the whim of the dictator, do you not think all this will come to pass? The Satanic power surrounding this man is unbelievable. I’ve taken to calling him “the beast”. He may not be the Beast of Revelation, but he is certainly a type and setting the stage for the real thing.

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