Chinese Hospital Opens Smog Clinic

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

Smog in southwest China has become so bad that a hospital has been forced to open a clinic focused solely on dealing with smog related illness.

No. 7 People’s Hospital in Chengdu City, provincial capital of Sichuan Province, has reported already dealing with 100 patients suffering from smog related respiratory conditions.

Hospital officials say that previously victims of smog related illness would have to be treated in multiple clinics such as ear-nose-throat and pneumology resulting in multiple doctor visits.  The new clinic will streamline treatment for patients and doctors.

Thick smog in many parts of China in the last few months have forced closures of schools, businesses and highways.  Some days were so bad that officials told residents not to allow their children outside in the air.

The Chinese government is reportedly examining whether liquid nitrogen shot into the air can be used as a way to lower smog in major cities.

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