Christian Groups Call For End To Pakistan Funding

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

While the leaders of Pakistan were using a blasphemy law to persecute Christians and keep a Christian mother jailed on false charges, the United States was giving the Pakistani government over $7.5 billion.

The American Center for Law and Justice is now calling for the United States to end financial aid to countries that persecute religious minorities.

“We must stop sending billions of our taxpayer dollars to nations that persecute Christians. It’s that simple. Not one more dime for persecution. Cut off American foreign aid to any country that persecutes Christians,” a petition started by the ACLJ reads.  “As a wave of persecution sweeps across the Middle East — and Christians flee for their lives — it’s time for the money to stop.  Already there is growing support for basic human rights and basic common sense on Capitol Hill.”

The focus of the petition is Asia Bibi, a Christian woman falsely accused of blasphemy by Muslims who were upset she took a drink of water from a bowl they wanted to use to drink.

Bibi’s death sentence for blasphemy is now in the hands of the country’s supreme court.

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