Christian Student Loses Federal Court Case On RFID

Luke 21:12 “But before all this, they will lay hands on you and persecute you. They will deliver you to synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors, and all on account of my name.

A Texas student who had sued her school district because she believed the RFID chip in the ID badge she was being forced to wear was akin to the mark of the beast in Revelation has lost her case in federal court.

The court said that Andrea Hernandez would have to carry the RFID chips or she will have to transfer to another school. The court ruled that it was not a violation of her religious freedom to have the tags that the school claims is a way to track the attendance of their students.

San Antonio, Texas chose John Jay High School as one of two schools to test the chips in a pilot program before placing it into all schools. The court ruling took into account that Hernandez could attend another school within the district without wearing the RFID chip.

The school has made an offer to Hernandez to allow her to continue attending without putting an RFID chip into her ID.

The Rutherford Institute, who had been representing Hernandez, says they will appeal the decision.

4 thoughts on “Christian Student Loses Federal Court Case On RFID

  1. Just to let you know I wrote an e-mail to John Jay HS and to let them know the chip idea they are using is very bad and can lead to something worse. I told them about the clause in the Obamacare bill with a RFID chip and also said this kind of thing is warned in Reveltion 13. I’m sure it will go on death ears. But i still wrote it anyway.

  2. dear jim: i thought that story is a type and shadow of what is coming soon the mark of the beast. but how will we know, it truly is the mark of the beast?. love connie

  3. I am so proud of Andrea – that takes courage. It does seem as if God answered affirmatively for her because the article said she was given the offer to NOT have
    the chip placed in Her ID pin. If its a class act, would they not place it with
    a group of lawyers who fight these type of things all the time such as ACLJ? So that
    would be another suit, right? This is her personal one.

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