Christians In China Put Crosses Back On Churches

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

The atheist government of China has been removing crosses from church buildings throughout the country for the last few years.

Now, the Christians are pushing back.

A group of protestant churches are putting their crosses back on the buildings in an act of civil disobedience to the government.  Sixteen churches in the cities of Lishui and Fuyang are replacing the crosses.  In some cases, elderly church members are replacing the churches three times a day after the government comes back to take the crosses back down.

Last month, government officials said all crosses in the nation need to come down.  The move is believed to be in response to the exponential growth of the church despite the government’s efforts.

“The central goal of this campaign is to minimize Christianity and to limit its access to ordinary people,” says Bob Fu, director of ChinaAid.

“There’s an enormous struggle across China brought by the rise of worshipers that seem to really believe,” says Terence Halliday, a director of the Center for Law and Globalization in Chicago who has worked in China. “Christianity now makes up the largest single civil society grouping in China. The party sees that.”

A new survey shows that protestant Christians in the country number between 50 and 100 million with about 6 million Catholics.  The ruling party has 70 million members.

3 thoughts on “Christians In China Put Crosses Back On Churches

  1. i am 79 yrs old raised in catholic schools with our little missionary boxes for china, our prayers and gifts have proven fruitful to the people of china…they have seen christ and his way of life, love all,allis love, love is god…how can taking down crosses take down this belief…i just think it will work….

  2. The blood of Jesus is always victorious and each will give an account, the kings of the earth in the tribulation will have their eyes plucked out by birds and the cross always has authority on the earth above the earth and under the earth, on ward Christain solders marching on to Jesus, I can’t wait until we see their knees bow and their tongues confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, always will be always.

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