Christians Fill Memphis Ballpark To Praise God During Atheist Convention

2 Samuel 22:50 “For this I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations, and sing praises to your name.

Attendees at an atheist convention that had used anti-Christian imagery to promote their event were shocked when they weren’t met with large protests and condemnation.

Instead, Christians filled Memphis’ baseball stadium to praise and rejoice over Jesus.

The event was called “Memphis Exalts Jesus” and was held during the Saturday of the American Atheists convention in Memphis.  The event was held at AutoZone Park, next to the Peabody Hotel where the atheists had gathered to mock the film “God’s Not Dead” and listen to speeches from anti-faith speakers.

The organizer of “Memphis Exalts Jesus” told the Christian Post that as he prayed about the atheist convention, he felt God calling him not to focus on them.

“We asked the Lord, should anything occur in light of the atheists convention coming to Memphis. As we prayed we sensed the Lord did not want any demonstrations or protests, but He seemed to stir in our hearts a gathering to focus only on His Son,” Steve Coplon said.

“We had an extended season of fasting and prayer and then found out that others had a similar burden. This led to a coming together of a few hundred to plan the event. Many who came are those who have really been praying for years for the Lord to do something significant in Memphis.”

Danielle Muscato of American Atheists said that her only concern about the Christian event is that people who are “in the closet about their atheism” wouldn’t come to the convention for fear of being seen by Christians who know them.

2 thoughts on “Christians Fill Memphis Ballpark To Praise God During Atheist Convention

  1. I Love that the christians just sang praises to the KING of KINGS JESUS!!! That chased alot of d
    demons away!! GOD BLESS all the people that did these:)

  2. That is great!!!! Christians are standing up. I never thought I would see this. Yea ! ! ! for all of those Christians who partisipated. Will be praying for all of them.

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