Christians Sing As Chinese Government Removes Crosses

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

A group of Chinese Christians who could not stop the government from destroying their church building stood and sang hymns as the workers stripped crosses off the building.

The Chinese government continued their crackdown on any Christian emblems in Wenzhou City.  The city had been the source of a major movement of Christianity that the government claimed was illegal and sought to end.

The government has gone as far as to destroy a multimillion dollar church building that took five years to build within weeks of the church’s official opening.  The government claimed that the building violated building codes and had to be destroyed.

The government is now blocking any website that makes mention of the crackdown on churches in Wenzhou, saying that the information in violation of Chinese law and that they are nothing more than propaganda which is aimed to overthrow the government.

Local Christians have told aid organiztions that over 360 churches have been destroyed in the last few weeks in the Zhejiang Province which includes Wenhzou City.  All of the buildings were destroyed for “illegal construction” and are going to be replaced with government buildings aimed at “urban development.”

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