Colorado Residents Warned To Avoid Floodwater

Matthew 24:10,11 Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

Colorado emergency officials are telling residents to avoid contact with any lingering floodwater because of the possibility of toxic contaminants.

Residents who were forced from their homes will be given temporary passes to visit their homes during daylight hours but will be told to avoid any standing water. Officials say that because of the amount of flooding the water could contain pollution from oil and gas drilling centers.

“Many contaminants, such as raw sewage, as well as potential releases of chemicals from homes, businesses and industry, may be contained in the floodwaters,” Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Mark Salley told a Colorado Springs newspaper.

Residents are also being told to look out for flags and tags from rescue teams indicating their homes have been searched for bodies that may have been washed in by the waters. The death toll was lowered from eight to six with officials saying two of the listed dead are still officially just “missing”.

A road and bridge director for Larimer County told NBC that damage could end up in amounts similar to a 1976 flood that led to two years of rebuilding.

One thought on “Colorado Residents Warned To Avoid Floodwater

  1. Before the flooding occurred in Colorado, Jim Bakker said on his show that there are storms coming, biblical storms. Interestingly enough, the news media has referred to the Colorado flooding as flooding of biblical proportions. The show just aired this week, but was recorded before the rain began falling in Colorado. I was amazed when I heard the national and local media use the term “biblical”, which has become “not politically correct”. When I heard Jim Bakker say “Biblical storms”, it connected it to Colorado before it happened. Interestingly enough, this occurred on a show where they were talking about prophetic dreams, etc. For lack of a better description, all I can say is “WOW”!

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