Court Tells Atheists To Explain Why 9/11 Cross Is Offensive

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

A federal court is telling a group of anti-Christianists to explain why the ground Zero cross is “offensive”, “repugnant” and a violation of the Constitution’s Establishment Clause.

American Atheists has been filing suit to have the Ground Zero Cross removed from the National 9/11 Museum in New York.  The court has taken a surprisingly skeptical view of the plaintiffs and their claims of being harmed by the mere existence and display of the cross formed when two beams fell on each other during the collapse of the Twin Towers.

“Plaintiffs’ brief should, at a minimum, clarify both the injuries alleged and legal theories relied on to support standing,” the Second Circuit Court of Appeals asked.  “Further, to the extent plaintiffs allege that they have been ‘injured in consequence of having a religious tradition that is not their own imposed upon them through the power of the state,’ First Am. Compl. because individual plaintiffs view use of the challenged ‘cross, a Christian symbol, to represent all victims of the 9/11 Attacks’ as ‘offensive,’ ‘repugnant,’ and ‘insult[ing]’ to them as atheists, plaintiffs should explain how such offense states a cognizable constitutional injury.”

The anti-Christian group had claimed in their filing that the cross’s existence alienates anyone who wishes to learn about events at the museum.  They also state because the cross is bigger than any other religious artifact at the memorial, it means the government is endorsing Christianity over all other religions.

14 thoughts on “Court Tells Atheists To Explain Why 9/11 Cross Is Offensive

  1. In the mist of death and disaster, clearly stood above all debris, dust and smoke a “Supernaturally Formed Cross.” Yes…A welcomed tangible artifact, that peacefully stood out among the confusion and ashes of those who died among it. It served a purpose to all those who lost someone, to those who had to hunt for survivors and lost buddies of rescue workers. This cross was not constructed by some group of Christians. It was supernaturally formed out of the falling rubble by God as sign to those ,of “Hope among the ruins.” A reminder to all Believers to look up in our darkest hours, “God Is With Us”. It stood the test of time then and what God created still stands the test of time today. You can’t fight against a Mighty God and win.

  2. You need to write your comments to Congress and to the Supreme Court! Many more people share what you believe about our country and our voice needs to be heard — not just online.

  3. By America getting too liberal Will pay for the laxity. Very, very soon, Islam will overtake other religions and try to impose their will on others as per their tradition. We can see how quick some countries in the Middle East will never allow the presence of other faith to ensure their people are subjected to perpetual darkness. But for how long will the Sheiks maintain this trend; bubble will definitely bust one day. God on His own will find a solution to this.

  4. God bless America. I find no nation like america; people will put their life on the line to get here.I guess they did not hear how bad we are. Just listen to Americans out there; Oh this isn’t fair that isn’t fair. Is America perfect? No, but I have been half way around the world and it is not that bad. I cannot think of one ethnic group can say they have it worse here then it is in the land they left. If their country was so great why did they leave? Or better yet why don’t those who think we are wrong go back to their countries and undo the wrongs in their country. I find people today like the man that was out on the street freezing in the winter cold. A lady seeing this walked out to the man and said, “I have this Brown warm winter jacket that will help you stay warm.” The man looked at her and said, “What you don’t have it in blue?” Or the person that was there with nothing to eat and a person walked up with a plate with a big cooked steak and potatoes, the person took the plate and said,” What no gravy. America get down on your knees and thank God how good we have it. One day if I read my Bible right it is going to get worse. Come again Jesus,,,I’m watching and waiting.

  5. Yes! Why are they REALLY afraid of it, unless it perhaps brings to mind their need of the Savior. It is the work of the enemy, and I agree. They do not, according to the Constitution and Bill of Rights, really even have the right to open their mouths about removing the cross – or any other cross, 10 Commandments, prayer – anything Christian from any place in this country. This United States of America is supposed to be the ONLY country in the world, really, that was founded solely upon Christian principals. That being the case, the Constitution and Bill of Rights have been twisted, trampled and ignored, so that those who don’t want to have God in control of their lives (the Bible speaks of those who loved darkness rather than light) don’t have to be reminded of how sinful we all are, and how much we need a Savior. I thank God for sending the Messiah to suffer and die in my place, in the place of all my family and friends, and for the world. I pray that the court sees through satan’s continued attack on the Church of Jesus Christ and all of the havoc it has wreaked in this country, and denies this frivolous and evil attack. Oh – yeah, it’s okay to build a MOSQUE, right there at ground zero – where they say that radical Muslims killed so many people and destroyed so much there. The fear that followed the 9/11 incident still grips this nation, and so does satan and the spirit of antichrist. How is it okay for a mosque to go up there, but a cross – which doesn’t cost a thing to build, is not really taking up much space, and does not fly in the face of probably most of the citizens or tourists to that area (except for gloating Muslims) is such a huge deal? Nothing but evil at work here, but “Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world”, and Jesus has already defeated satan and his works!

  6. If there ever was a question whether we live in the “End Times” – here you go! When a predominate Christian country of which I am a native has to consider such an argument about whether a Cross can stand at a sight where 3,000 people died in an attack of terrorism, WE as believers know, along with the obvious other signs in the world – that Lord Jesus is “right at the door.”

    As Rabbi Cahn as stated – this very sight “is where the country’s first leaders dedicated the country to God.” I agree with a previous comment from a viewer that there are other countries who hold the atheist view regarding Christianity and Crosses, and there’s probably a plane that leaves every hour – Bye-Bye!! :

    I go to a church where there are three Crosses that stand 100 feet high, and they have stood there for over 40 years on a hillside in front of the Church! I’ll STAND for those Crosses because of what they represent and the sacrifice by my Lord Jesus for US ALL including the spiritually blind with the hopes that they will see God! Christian persecution is very high in these days. We gotta keep STANDING for the Cross and for King Jesus!!

  7. 1Co 1:18
    For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

  8. So true Stephen Griffith – if they faced beheading or the Cross, we know for sure which one they would choose.

  9. yes they need to explain it but i don’t think they can more people need to stand up to them there is no scientific proof that it is harmful to them it may be harmful to Satan but not anyone who is a christian

  10. this is Satan at work here we have as much right to have it there as they do to want it torn down
    i cannot imagine why they are so afraid of a cross that is just two steel beams from the twin towers
    are we going to buckle down and let them have their way i am so tired of people like them getting their way over somethng that is wonderful people gave their lives to save others and this is how we thank them by taking down the thing that they died for wake up we need God in our lives as Loretta Lynn and Conway Twitty sang a long time ago ” God Bless America Again” wise up we need to bring God back to America if we want to keep America alive

  11. One day all atheists will wish they had believed in the Cross and Jesus that died on a Cross for all, shedding his Blood to Save Us because he Loved Us and don’t want anyone to die and end up in Hell burning Forever!

  12. Maybe atheists should consider living where Christianity is against the law…like Yemen or Saudi Arabia. There you really would have something to be offended by when you are forced to either convert or be killed! Then again, maybe living amongst Christians isn’t that bad after all?

  13. America is indeed a “Christian nation”. All this means is that; even though NOT every single American citizen is a so-called “born-again Christian” – or a “practicing Christian”; that NEVERTHELESS, the very expression, “Christian nation” simply means THAT the nation, “United States of America”, intentionally uses the “religion” of Christianity – or the teachings of Jesus Christ – as a very BASIS for determining MORALITY, or distinguishing “right” from “wrong” (or “good” from “evil”) in every sector or institution of American life.

    This is a historical fact that CANNOT be denied. The ACLU has NO reason to feel “intimidated”. No one is pointing a “gun” to their head; telling them that JUST BECAUSE civil magistrates decide to display Christian symbols “in public”, that this necessarily supposedly means that the citizens themselves are being “FORCED”, by the ruling officials, to CONVERT to the “religion” of Christianity. No, all it means is that the governing officials are simply CELEBRATING the historical religious/spiritual heritage of the United States of America. A public display of religious symbols in NO WAY means – or in ANY WAY forces – the citizens to CONVERT to some particular “religion” or philosophy. That is, the mere PUBLIC display of religious symbols CANNOT be misconstrued by the ACLU, as meaning NECESSARILY that the civil magistrates are deliberately trying to “proselytize” the people.

    It has absolutely NOTHING to do with as to whether or not one “agrees” with the Bible or with the teachings of Jesus Christ. A person DOES NOT have to be a “Christian” to recognize the TRUTH in the historical record that the Founding Fathers deliberately established “The Bible” as the STANDARD by which to determine the DEFINITION or CHARACTERIZATION of MORALITY in this country. They very well could’ve used the Islamic “Koran”, the Hinduic “Vedas”, the Jewish “Talmud”, or some other “holy writ” to be the “standard” or basis for determining morality. But NO, they chose the Bible instead! And every other country has a sovereign God-given right to chart its own spiritual destiny, whether through “Moses” only, “Allah”, “Krishna”, “Buddha”, or some other “god” or religious teacher or philosopher. And the Founding Fathers of America just happened to land upon the “RIGHT” one; that being, by way of Jesus Christ alone! And so, why is the ACLU still ever more “offended’ at this ancient anthropological axiom??? Every civilization, without exception, has a particular “moral code” to go by; whether pagan or Abrahamic.

    Ancient Babylon had its own gods to worship! Egypt had theirs too! And so did Persia, Greece, and Rome! And China and Japan!

    Saudi Arabia is an Islamic state. Israel is a Jewish state. India is a Hinduic state. China is a Confucianist state. Cambodia is a Buddhist state…….

    And America is a CHRISTIAN state!!

    So what’s the big deal with the ACLU??? You cannot escape “religion” or “philosophy”. It is ubiquitous throughout the Human Race. The ACLU is fighting a losing battle. They’re trying to make America a “secular-humanist” state. But even Secular-Humanism itself is a separate and distinguishable “philosophy” within its own right! So what the ACLU REALLY wants to do to the United States; is to make our country simply “switch” from ONE religious/philosophical “belief system” to another; that being, from Christianity to Humanism. But the whole IRONY or paradox behind this, is that; the ACLU wants to make Secular-Humanism the “moral code” for America, NOT the Bible!! But a “moral code” is a “moral code”; whether it is BASED on a pagan “religion” – OR based on a particular philosophy.

    Removing “God” or “Jesus Christ” from the “market place of ideas” – that is, prohibiting the very MENTIONING or displaying of symbols of “God” or “Jesus Christ” from the public square – and substituting them with HUMANISTIC terminology still LEAVES us with an “ACLU” imposing their OWN brand of “non-tolerance” upon the people; whereby the ACLU’s secular brand of philosophy or point of view would be “FORCED” upon the citizenry; being ATHEISTIC in nature; not wanting to be “inclusive” for DIFFERING religious points of view; thus, something of which, ironically, making the ACLU “guilty” of the very THING that they have always accused Christians of being – i.e., being “intolerant” of others’ points of view on religion or morality; thereby ironically with them fulfilling an “intolerance” that they would’ve at first accused Christians of doing themselves, in the first place.

    But who can tell the State what to do??? If the Founding Fathers didn’t “choose” Christianity to serve as a “moral guide” for the America People; well then, they very well could’ve chosen some “other” religion or philosophy to be the STANDARD by which to establish MORALITY in this great country of ours. If it was NOT going to be “Christianity”, it would’ve been something else. Every civilization has a particular “moral code” or philosophy which to go by, whether pagan or Abrahamic. It is IMPOSSIBLE for any society or civilization to govern itself WITHOUT some kind of religion, philosophy, or belief system by which to establish some kind of “moral order”; to keep the peace, or to maintain the general welfare of the people. And America is NO exception to this anthropological fact!

    The ACLU has the unmitigated gall to accuse Christians of being “intolerant” of other peoples’ religious/philosophical views; when, ironically, it is actually the ACLU itself that is openly hostile and “intolerant” of Christian symbols being displayed in public, by government officials who are NOT putting a “gun” to anybody’s head; forcing people to “convert” to some particular ideology anyway; BUT simply CELEBRATING the religious underpinnings (or religious heritage) in the “founding” of this great “American Nation” of ours. NO MORE, NO LESS!!!

    Every other tribe, nation, and empire throughout World History has celebrated their respective religious/philosophical traditions with great pride – and without shame. So why not we ourselves in America!!?? We owe the “ACLU” NO APOLOGIES, thank you!!!

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