Cuba Admits Outbreak of Cholera

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

Over 51 people have been confirmed to have contracted cholera in Havana as the Cuban government admits the first major outbreak of the disease in the capital city in over 50 years.

One man died from the disease and others have been hospitalized.

Cuban health officials were concerned with a dramatic rise in diarrhea and gastric problems. The disease causes severe dehydration through that diarrhea which can eventually lead to death.

Health officials have stated patient ‘zero’ is a food seller who had caught the disease during another outbreak in the eastern part of the country. Restaurants and cafes have been closed in the city and only sales of sealed food is permitted.

The government claims the outbreak is in the “extinction phase” meaning further cases are unlikely but are still warning people to take precautions. Cuba had avoided any major outbreaks of the disease until last July when it made a major resurgence.

One thought on “Cuba Admits Outbreak of Cholera

  1. I’m glad we don’t so business with Cuba, but those poor people! And diseases like this always seem to navigate to the weakest: children and the elderly. Do we have missionaries in that country?

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