Death Toll In Afghanistan Landslides Tops 2,100

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

Afghanistan officials say that the death toll in the Friday landslides has topped 2,100 and could climb even higher.

Government officials say that the most tragic part of the entire event happened in the second landslide.  A government spokesman said that 600 people who showed up to help those trapped in the first landslide died when they were buried in a second landslide.

Rescuers say that the area is still very unstable and that rescue workers and residents still in the area are at risk for another landslide.  However, families have been saved from the landslide.

“Around 700 families were rescued,” Afghan National Disaster Management Authority spokesman Sayed Abdullah Homayun Dehqan said while adding that they are still short of the necessary supplies to expand rescues.

NATO’s Regional Command is organizing troops to help with the rescue efforts.

One thought on “Death Toll In Afghanistan Landslides Tops 2,100

  1. A similar slide happened here in Washington. So much difficulty, because some of the dead are buried under 60 – 80 feet of mud. The ground is like soup, everyone sinks into the mud as they attempt to help others. Nothing is easy, everything is so much harder when you can’t even stand up!

    What a tragedy! I have to see it happen again, somewhere else, with a much higher death toll!

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