Doctor’s Son Arrested For Tricking Girlfriend Into Abortion Pill

A 28-year-old Tampa, Florida man is facing life in jail after he tricked his girlfriend into taking an abortion drug after she refused to get an abortion.

John Andrew Welden forged the signature of his father, Dr. Stephen Ward Welden, on a prescription for Cytotec, a drug that will induce an abortion. He placed the pills in a bottle labeled “amoxicillin” and told his girlfriend that his father wanted her on antibiotics according to a federal prosecutor.

The woman, whose name was not released in court papers, had told John Welden she planned to raise the child even without him.

Because the death of the baby happened during the commission of another federal crime the age of the unborn child does not matter for the murder charge. Welden was charged with federal product tampering after changing the labeling on the pill bottle.

His father has not been charged by federal prosecutors and local officials say that he had no knowledge of his son’s actions.

One thought on “Doctor’s Son Arrested For Tricking Girlfriend Into Abortion Pill

  1. It breaks my heart that some people have lost all decency. I pray this young mam, as well as all doctors, mothers and others who support abortion in any way will have their eyes open and turn to God. I’d like to see every judge in the USA saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost. I pray that a revival will sweep across this country that would bring prayer in school through the students who would become leaders in school and community.
    My heart is broken over what is happening in our country, and I pray God will change hearts and minds. And I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I am praying that your ministry will draw all ages of people.

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