Dr. Kent Brantly Says Ebola In Africa Worse Than On TV

Revelation 6:7,8 NCV When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, "Come!"8 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse. Its rider was named death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill people by war, by starvation, by disease, and by the wild animals of the earth.

Dr. Kent Brantly, the Christian doctor who was one of the first Americans to be infected with Ebola during the current outbreak, says that conditions in Africa are worse than you see on television.

You’ve seen the news reports, and I can assure you, the reality on the ground in West Africa is worse than the worst report you’ve seen. And our attention and our efforts need to be on loving the people there,” he said.

“Let’s stop talking about that highly improbable thing [of an outbreak in America] and focus on saving people’s lives and stopping the outbreak where it is. God saved my life… He used some incredible people and unbelievable circumstances to do that … I want to live in that reality forever.”

Dr. Brantly called the attention being paid to Ebola possibly breaking out in the United States “panic.”

“I just want to tell everyone that yes, Ebola is a serious devastating disease and for those number of people who have been identified as contacts of an Ebola patient, they need to be monitoring themselves, they need to be cooperating with the authorities, with the CDC, and it’s very serious for them, but for the rest of us we don’t need to be worried,” Dr. Brantly said.

“I am particularly thrilled to be alive,” Brantly added.

2 thoughts on “Dr. Kent Brantly Says Ebola In Africa Worse Than On TV

  1. well I am happy that God heal the Doctor, the issue with Ebola, is going to get worse as the day goes by, because we’re letting God out of the public arena, and the Democrat voted God out of there party during the 2012 election and now what do we have, Ebola, ISIS, and we have a president who is a terrorist himself

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