Drought Makes One California County Like Living in Third World Country

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

The four-year drought that has been drying out California is making some parts of the state on par with life in some third world nations.

In a county that traces its history to residents fleeing the “Dust Bowl” of Oklahoma in the 1930s, residents are facing fields of dust that lay fallow because of a lack of water.

Tulare County brought in $8.1 billion in agriculture revenue in 2014, the most of any county in the nation.  Now, 1,252 of its wells are dry, more than all other California counties combined.

In Okieville, California, some residents can’t even get enough water for a single flush of their toilet.  Almost all the 100 homes in the community are without water because their wells have run dry.  Residents banded together to create a single water line from the only well in town deep enough to hit an aquifer that is rapidly drying out.

The county has been filling 2,500 gallon tanks in many yards using state drought relief money.  Still, officials admit the conditions are disastrous but because of the nature of the problem it’s not easy to show to the world.

“It’s not an earthquake or flood where you can drive down the street and see the devastation,” Andrew Lockman, of Tulare County’s Office of Emergency Services told the AP.

Some farmers have gone to extreme steps to keep their farms in place.  One farm bought their own $1 million drilling rig to make sure they never run dry.

Many residents of Okieville are so poor they cannot afford to move nor can they sell a house without water.  Maria Marquez said they pray for rain and that she does it nightly when she bathes her 4-year-old granddaughter.

“God, give us water so we don’t have to move,” the 4-year-old says, pressing her palms together. “God, please fill up our tank, so we don’t run out of water.”

2 thoughts on “Drought Makes One California County Like Living in Third World Country

  1. Father, we ask for mercy. On our face, O God, and on our knees, with fervant repentance, LORD God Almighty, forgive us our sins, Father God, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; lead us not into temptation, and heal our land. We humbly remind you, Father, that America brings food and water to many parts of the world and we ask, Lord God, we ask for mercy in Jesus’ name.

    • Just two weeks ago the Lord showed me a thing: He showed me why the Israelites got into so much trouble and never made it to the Promise Land…..
      They refused to use their Faith in God when a time of need would occur. One major one is when they ran out of water and instead of agreeing with the Lord for His provision, they grumbled, complained, wined, threatened Moses and Aaron….. when God had already told them that He would take care of their needs, and had been doing just that all throughout their journey.
      Yes, we need to be repentant, individually; we need to make sure that we are right with God and deal with our own salvation. However, Governor Jerry Brown is our leader, along with our representatives and state legislators, and THEY need to get on THEIR knees and repent for the good and the whole of California, or things will not improve, but worsen.
      Two weeks ago, the Holy Spirit showed me that from now on, The Lord will be moving in the lives of His Saints Supernaturally, like He did with the Jews in Goshen. The drought that hurt Egypt never touched Goshen… The plagues never touched them, The locusts and frogs left them alone…..and they weren’t that far away…. So, Saints, do as that beautiful little one is doing and put your hands together and go to the Thrown of Grace and make your petitions to The Only and True One; our Jehovah Jireh, and you will have water in your time of thirst when your neighbor may not…. and then you can tell hem and show them why. Harvest Time is also a time for Believers to activate and use their Faith…. a Faith that is not too little, it is the Faith of God that we have inherited through Jesus Christ.

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