Excitement Builds as “SON OF GOD” is Introduced

One of the greatest things about being on the air is the opportunity we have to bring you exceptional guests. On a recent broadcast, we had the privilege of hosting Roma Downey (Touched by an Angel) and Mark Burnett (Producer of The Voice, Survivor, and many others) when they came to tell us about their new movie, SON OF GOD.

Our family had a chance to preview this amazing film with Roma and Mark and I have to say that I have never seen a more beautiful depiction of the life of Christ in such a sweeping, epic production. We were awestruck and captivated as we watched. The impact of this amazing film cannot be overstated. This larger-than-life movie portrays the story of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection in the New Testament featuring powerful performances, exotic locales, dazzling visual effects and a rich orchestral score from Oscar winner Hans Zimmer.

Roma Downey and her husband, Mark Burnett, are two of Hollywood’s greats who are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! “This movie began with prayer as a whisper in our hearts. We hope the audiences leave theaters feeling they know Jesus more and also they are reminded of how deeply he loved us. We can tell a story in a way that it opens people’s hearts,” Downey said.

SON OF GOD has the capacity to be the greatest evangelistic tool to grace our big screens in many, many years. We want to tell everyone about it. Take every family member, all the kids in the neighborhood, your Sunday School class, and anyone else you can think of! SON OF GOD marks the first motion picture about Jesus’ life since Passion of the Christ, released ten years ago.

SON OF GOD is set to be released in theaters nationwide on February 28th, 2014. We have an opportunity to make a statement. We have a chance to tell Hollywood and the world that there are millions of us that love Jesus Christ. Let’s not miss this opportunity to make our voices heard throughout the entertainment industry. Who knows? Our actions today may determine future sweeping changes in what is being offered on the big screen and even on television.

Remember that it’s still true that God honors seed giving! Together, we are planting seeds from which we will continue to reap a harvest for all eternity. These seeds are producing fruit which carries on for you even after your time on earth is over. Nothing given to God is ever lost. When you sow into the kingdom of God, you will reap a harvest, both now and forevermore! I pray that God continues to bless you!

Even if you can’t send a donation, please write and let us know you are praying for us. Your words and actions bring life to Lori and me when you write with your encouraging words and support. We need your strength to help us because the work is not letting up – in fact, it’s increasing every day. This is a blessing but it still takes the whole family of God, praying and giving, to keep the ministry going in these important times. We’re so glad you’re a part of our family.

Send us your prayer requests too, so that we can pray for your needs. I cannot tell you how much your prayers and giving means to Lori and me, and how much it encourages us! I pray that God will minister back to you in Jesus’ name!

God bless you! Lori and I love you and, best of all, God loves you – He really does!

Thank you for your love, support and friendship.


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5 thoughts on “Excitement Builds as “SON OF GOD” is Introduced

  1. I watchedthe very first day with a friend, I felt God’s presence the whole time especially at the very end when Jesus said “I am coming soon”; a lady handed me a box of kleenex. The release of this movie I believe is God ordained with a message of His soon return. I shouted at the theatre “Thank you Jesus”. God bless and thank you brother Mark and Roma

  2. Thank you Mark & Roma! We took a group of friends & family last night. The theater was sold out! Thank you for telling us to take tissues, I passed them out to two rows. Not a dry eye in the house!

  3. I love the show. God says the latter house will be greater than the former house and He has proved it in your and Lori’s lives and families…I love the study of Revelation and how God has given you the mandate to share it. I would love to meet you and Lori, such a loving couple. I decree everything you touch will turn to gold and be a blessing to all those around you….Lori’s house will save many young women and their children.. Continue to minister the word and grow in Grace. Love you and Lori and I will continue to pray….Doris

  4. I really enjoy the show. I have purchased tickets through your website for my friends. We wanted to help Lori’s house finished being built for the young ladies coming for help with their pregnancies.
    Shalom and blessings…….Gwen :->

  5. I love your show and the fact you really do help people. I would like someday come for a visit see the show. You and Lori are the best on television. Thank you for helping me understand the bible, I learn something knew everyday.

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