First Grade Student Told She Can’t Mention Jesus

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

A first grade student at Helen Hunt-Jackson Elementary School in Temecula, California was told by her teacher that she can’t say the name of Jesus in her classroom.

Brynn Williams’ teacher interrupted her during a one-minute speech on her family’s Christmas traditions, telling the 6-year-old that she can’t “talk about the Bible in school.”

Brynn had brought the Star of Bethlehem that her family places at the top of their Christmas tree for her report.  Her family told Fox News that she had written and practiced her one-minute presentation to say her family’s tradition was to remember the birth of Jesus at Christmas.

“Our Christmas tradition is to put a star on top of our tree,” Brynn said in her report. “The star is named the Star of Bethlehem. The three kings followed the star to find baby Jesus, the Savior of the world.”

The teacher then stopped her saying “Stop right there!  Go take your seat!”  Brynn was the only student not allowed to complete her assigned report.

Brynn’s parents say the little girl was upset because she believed she had done something wrong and was in trouble.  The school’s principle told the parents that she could not do the report because she might offend another student by saying the name of Jesus.

The school district gave Fox News the following statement:

“The Temecula Valley Unified School District respects all students’ rights under the Constitution and takes very seriously any allegation of discrimination. Due to the fact that District officials are currently investigating the allegations, it would be inappropriate to provide further comment at this time.”

2 thoughts on “First Grade Student Told She Can’t Mention Jesus

  1. “The Temecula Valley Unified School District respects all students’ rights under the Constitution and takes very seriously any allegation of discrimination.” When did this happen? They didn’t respect Brynn’s rights and they did discriminate against her and Jesus. Put prayer and the 10 commandments back in schools. If God was welcomed back, the schools would be protected. Shootings would stop. Brynn did nothing wrong. If someone doesn’t like the name Jesus, too bad! In the end, they will have God to answer to! May God have mercy on their souls.

  2. My 7 year old daughter was also told she couldn’t talk about Jesus in school by her teacher. I told her she does have the freedom to speak about Jesus and to keep doing it.

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