Florida Abortion Clinic Offers Sunday Discounts

Matthew 19:18 ESV “And Jesus said, “You shall not murder…”

Editor’s Note: Throughout the scriptures, God has made it clear that shedding innocent blood is murder, and no murderer will enter heaven. In addition to the death of the unborn baby, abortion also substantially harms the women and many times, families, husbands, boyfriends and a whole sphere of relationships connected to and surrounding each abortion. Often, lifelong guilt and other social, relational, spiritual and even physical problems follow the murder of innocent babes in the womb. Pastor Jim Bakker believes that this issue, abortion, may be the single most significant issue that brings God’s judgment on this nation more than any other.

A controversial abortion clinic in Orlando, Florida has started offering a discount to women who come in Sundays to kill their babies via abortion.

The Orlando Women’s Center, which was shut down in June after their former head physician failed to settle a $36 million medical malpractice lawsuit, is offering multiple deals on their website. The clinic had their equipment seized in June in connection to the debts of Dr. James Pendergraft.

Pendergraft has lost his license to practice medicine five times. His license is currently suspended because of failure to pay fines related to an illegal third-trimester abortion. He has been accused of botched abortions in the past.

“When you look at why I lost my license, it had nothing to do with anything I did wrong,” Pendergraft told WFTV-TV in June. “I’ve done nothing that I thought was inappropriate, illegal, immoral or wrong.”

2 thoughts on “Florida Abortion Clinic Offers Sunday Discounts

  1. Nothing wrong in his eyes but everything wrong according to God’s law “Do not kill”. I pray for this man and others involved that God would bring him to the point of repentance. He has bloody hands that nothing can wash off the many babies he has killed. I also pray for the parents of the babies past, present and future who have or are contemplating abortion to be led to find out the truth-the facts. This is so heavy on my ♥. These abortionists will hear every babies’ screams in hell forever-forever torment! Generations of innocent children who did not have a voice to say “I do not want to be killed!” have been murdered. satan has found a way to harden these abortionists and people seeking abortions’ mind and hearts. We must continue to pray, write and keep fighting for the unborn!
    Under populating us is the answer why he is still allowed to keep doing this is my opinion and the unsaved who do not know of Jesus yet. I pray God leads courageous Christians in their paths to tell them the truth so they can be set free, repent and be forgiven. They in turn will tell others so lives can be saved. People to step forward and adopt babies.

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