Former President Blames Israel For French Terror Attack

II Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

The murder of 17 in Paris by Islamic terrorists?  It’s Israel’s fault.

That’s the view of former President Jimmy Carter.

Carter appeared on the left-wing comedy show “The Daily Show” and told host Jon Stewart that you had to place the blame for the origin of the terror attack on Israel.

“Well, one of the origins for it is the Palestinian problem,” Carter said. “And this aggravates people who are affiliated in any way with the Arab people who live in the West Bank and Gaza, what they are doing now — what’s being done to them. So I think that’s part of it.”

Carter didn’t elaborate how the end of Israeli-Palestinian conflict would somehow stop the anti-Semitism by Muslims throughout the world.  He did go on to say that the attack was a “new development” in Islamic terrorism.

“But I think this is a new evolutionary development in terrorism, where people go into Syria, they get trained there, they have a passport from France, from Great Britain or from the United States,” he added. “They stay there for a few months and learn how to be a terrorist and then they come back through Turkey and you know they have been there and you know who they are. And I think this event in Paris is going to waken up the people in charge of security to watch those people more closely than they have in the past — and not single out all of the Muslims in the country.”

5 thoughts on “Former President Blames Israel For French Terror Attack

  1. AMEN! I think there is only a small hand full o “real” Christians left in our government. Obama has appointed Brotherhood of Muslims as His czars overseeing every critical agency. He has sided with Iran over Israel and all our allies. He is but a puppet for the elite, the Illuminati, who want this NWO, or as they have put it for hundreds of years, the New Atlantis which was Satan’s kingdom before the flood. These people are crazy, and yes, they think they’re special and smarter than everyone else and we’re expendable ignorant nobody’s, but we know who we are in the Lord. I for one love Isreal and say hooray! For Netanyahu. America has forgotten that our government works for us, not us for them.

  2. Jimmy Carter is a nice man but was a lousy President, especially on foreign affairs. Remember the hostages held in Iran. He was not able to get them released or deal with the fanatics who held them and defied the USA. When Reagon got elected the hostages were released immediately. Now Jimmy Carter is on the side of Israel’s enemies and Carter’s comments and viewpoints are not pleasing to God. Leave Israel alone. God has chosen Israel to be his promise land. Not the Palestines nor anyone else. Israel has the right not to expect others to take ANY of God’s land and terrorize God’s people in the process over and over and over and over.
    from Ron Heckman

  3. Jimmy Carter better watch what he says about Israel It might not make God to happy about his comments. It kinda doesn’t surprise me though.

  4. President Carter is one of the politicians on the left…he is not for Israel. His history should tell us that. He sold the US down the drain when he sold the Panama Canal… He has the same philosophy as Obama only a milder version. Makes me sad how these people destroy so much good. They follow an agenda. Something bigger than themselves. Carter will go to the grave before admitting he is wrong.

  5. Unbelievable. This is exactly what the “So Called Elite really Think.” So educated and corrupt by power and money they cannot see their hand in front of their face. They certainly think they are special and you are expendable dumb worker bee, itty-it. The Constitution is considered gone by them already and they are just waiting for a major catastrophe to completely throw it out by marshal law I suppose. Sounds Crazy. Wait until the Stock Market goes south, Very south like never in history in Sept. 2015. Every single thing is absolutely backwards. Right is wrong and wrong is right. Know that the end is near. Terror will probably reign like we cannot imagine right in every single person yard. Wake up people. Its here. You just don’t know it yet! God Bless and have a eye opening day. Anoint your eyes with eye salve that you may see. (It means pray to see and be a lover of Truth, then you can see.)

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