French Scientist Jailed For Terrorism Plots

2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

A French scientist has been sentenced to five years in prison for plotting terrorist attacks with the help of Al Qaeda.

Adlene Hicheur exchanged e-mails with an alleged Al Qaeda operative suggesting he was willing to be part of an “active terrorist unit” with the goal of destroying French targets.

The particle physicist had been working on a project related to the origins of the universe before his arrest and jailing. He has been in jail for two and a half years awaiting his trial.

Hicheur’s e-mails were discovered during an investigation into threats against the French President in 2008. Investigators found Islamist literature at his parent’s home.

Hicheur denied that he intended to carry out any attacks.


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