Georgia School District Orders All Christian Items Removed

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

Update 12/4/13:  A public relations and marketing specialist for the school district has released a statement claiming the information given to Fox News was inaccurate.  The statement claims the Christmas cards involved were personal cards of teachers and that the display was moved because one teacher had expressed “legitimate, personal privacy concerns” about the display.  The statement also said the incident had nothing to do with “current open and ongoing discussions that the school system is having with local citizens about religious liberties and expression.”  The statement did not include any response to accusations teachers were told to remove Christian items like Bibles from their rooms or that they were told to turn their backs on student-led prayers. 

The Bullock Georgia County Board of Education is cleansing an elementary school of any object that could be tied to Christianity.

Teachers say that they were forced to take down Christmas cards made for them by students because of the word “Christ” in Christmas and because some of the cards contained pictures of the nativity. Now students are asking the teachers why they won’t be hanging up their cards as they’ve done in previous years.

The district’s edict, however, goes beyond just Christmas cards.

Teachers have been ordered to remove anything from their classrooms that can be connected to Christianity like Bibles or Christian music even if it is for personal use on break times or lunch. They have also been told that if they come across students leading a prayer, they are required to turn their backs on the students or face disciplinary action.

The Board of Education released a statement to Fox News attempting to justify their attacks on Christianity by saying there are “established legal requirements to which we must adhere.”

6 thoughts on “Georgia School District Orders All Christian Items Removed

  1. I would take my child out of that school and move out of that state. Something needs to be done no one is standing up for our god given rights

  2. The people responsible for this so called “established legal requirements” will one day wish to God that they had never heard of such a thing to do. I believe that all Christian folks must remember these people in our prayers. Jesus is coming sooner than we all think and we had better be ready for it can happen at any given moment.

  3. How times are changing since the days we had wonderful Christmas programs as children, and even the Jewish students didn’t object at all. These are not good things coming to our country, the suppression of religion under the guise of “established legal requirements to which a school must adhere.” Our fore-fathers warned of allowing this to happen.

  4. It’s so sad to hear of cases like the one in Georgia, because it is not necessary. I just found out that any school being targeted can call Alliance Defending Freedom, and they will provide free legal help. They have been victorious in nearly all cases. Can you contact this school & let them know?
    Thanks and God bless you all.

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