Groups Demand Religious Freedom At Air Force Academy

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

A petition demanding the Air Force Academy respect the religion freedom of Christian cadets has been sent to the Academy.

The Family Research Council and the American Family Association organized the movement after a series of decisions that basically eliminated the rights of Christian cadets to display their faith on the same level as those without any faith or of other faiths.

“I trust the Air Force Academy to train up the best young men and women our nation has to offer to be prepared to faithfully defend my family, my community and my country,” read the petition delivered to Academy Superintendent Lt. Gen. Michelle Johnson.  “Part of that trust hinges upon the notion that the Academy would protect the religious freedom of the cadets we send it.”

The Academy has been keeping Christian students from expressing their faith because of actions taken by extremist anti-Christian Mikey Weinstein of the anti-Christian Military Religious Freedom Foundation.

“If cadets are taught to be afraid of Bible verses, how will they respond against terrorists who are willing to die for their cause?” continued the petition.  “Our U.S. Air Force Academy cadets should be taught how to intercept the enemy, not how to tiptoe around the hyper-sensitive complainants.”

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