Heavy Rains Bring Flooding To Upper Midwest

Luke 21:25,26 NAS “There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay (tension from difficult circumstances that "won't move" which produces distress or anguish – causing someone to feel "locked in" or “tightly pressed”) among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, men fainting (lose morale, become disheartened, like lapsing into temporary unconsciousness) from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world...

Rivers from North Dakota to St. Louis are being issued flood warnings after a series of heavy thunderstorms dumped significant rainfall across the upper Midwest Wednesday.

The National Weather Service said more than 5 inches of rain fell in many areas and it was likely to have more rain through the night Wednesday into Thursday. However, local officials in parts of North Dakota reported 8 inches of rain and Iowa officials reported up to 7 inches.

Flooding even hit cities like Chicago where boats were needed to evacuate nine people from the Buffalo Grove neighborhood after heavy rain. An area was left without sewer service after the floodwaters swamped a sanitary station. Several expressways were closed because of standing water causing major traffic problems.

Grafton, Illinois is facing the third flood in three months. The Mississippi River created 11 feet above flood stage April 25th. It again created 13 feet over the banks on June 4th, the fourth worst flood in the town’s history. And the federal government has refused to aid the town resulting in $70,000 in repairs to come from the city’s $550,000 annual budget.

Fargo, North Dakota is reportedly making preparations against the Red River which is expected to hit 30 feet on Thursday, 12 feet above flood stage.

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