House Fails To Curtail Abortion in Washington DC

Matthew 19:18 ESV “And Jesus said, “You shall not murder…”

Editors Note: Pastor Jim Bakker believes that this issue, abortion, may be the single most significant issue that brings God’s judgment on this nation more than any other.

Despite an overwhelming majority of Representatives voting in favor, a bill to curtail abortions in the nation’s capital failed because special rules were demanded that forced a 2/3 vote to pass. The bill’s 220 votes were well short of 2/3 of the chamber.

Seventeen Democrats joined 203 Republicans in supporting the measure that would ban abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy. DC’s abortion laws currently allow abortions in almost every circumstance.

Nine states have passed similar laws and Arizona’s law was recently upheld by courts.

Pro-abortion advocates launched a campaign against the bill saying it violated the concept of “home rule” in place in DC.


2 thoughts on “House Fails To Curtail Abortion in Washington DC

  1. OMGoodness……… there a way to tell that Anna? If so, please let us know!!! Please God, let us get Lori’s house built and running NOW!!! Please Anna………….LET US KNOW!!! I wan’t no part of that!

  2. An avalanche can begin with a very small snowball. That, my friends, is what we ignored a long time ago…a small snowbell of immoral people in high OFFICE. The avalanche of filth has overcome Americans. We are coming up for the final breath before death, America!! God will not be mocked…forever! He finally draws a line and says beyond here___ and NO MORE!!! Do you know that they render aborted babies the same as they do cattle? Do you know that we, Americans, whether we’re saved or unsaved, actually EAT rendered babies in our FOODS!! This is a lucritive business…dead babies. God will NOT hold us guiltless any longer, folks!

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