Huckabee Calls For America To Repent

Matthew 4:17 KJV From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Former Arkansas Governor and talk show host Mike Huckabee told a crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference that America needs to repent.

“These are the things that I know,” Huckabee said.  “I know there is a God, and I know this nation would not exist had he not been the midwife of its birth.   And I know that this nation exists by the providence of his hand, and if this nation forgets our God, then God will have every right to forget us.”

“I hope that we repent before we ever have to receive his fiery judgment,” Huckabee continued.

Huckabee said that it was time for people of faith to rise up when the government attempts to silence them on issues that matter such as abortion.  He said that it’s time for the government to be scaled back, not the impact of people of faith.

Huckabee was particularly pointed on the issue of abortion.

“A society that sacrifices its own children is no better than the ancient Philistines,” Huckabee said.

7 thoughts on “Huckabee Calls For America To Repent

  1. I had a dream a few weeks ago. I dreamt I was outside and it was not dark, not light, kind of dusky? if thats a word. I looked up at the sky and a huge cloud was parting in the middle and all I could say was Jesus!! then i woke up. I am just a single person, middle class, who loves jesus. Why would he choose me to have this dream, I don’t know. I believe in your show, and i watch it on my days off. I love to hear your prophicies. I hope to hear more.

  2. Keep it coming. Leads us forward in repentance, as its the only thing that will spare this nation from harsh judgement.

  3. How do we go about taking a stand against being silenced? Most everyone I talk to that is against wrong ideas, example our food coming from other countries, believes it is already too late. We all feel like our hands are tied. Can you please explain what are we to do exactly.
    I bought an off brand of mushroom soup recently and called 800 # on can to find that the ingredients came from approx 10 different countries, including china. I was not shocked but sickened about where America has gone. Why is this not news media? The soup is put together in USA but not with our food. Here are some of the countries that sent spices and other ingredients here for this one type of soup. Malasia, Indonisa, Netherlands, China, Vietnam, Canada, USA, just to name a few. The list goes on. People this is serious do you agree?
    We need to be taught how to speak out. Please help.

  4. America is at the boiling because as a nation we have turned away from God. But it goes even deeper. The people of a loving but Holy God have also turned away from their God and because of this — discipline starts with God’s people. We (the Body) are the light in a dark place to a world whose light is growing dimmer each day. Until we address in a radically manner the cancer that has rapidly spread throughout the body (I.e. abortion, sexual immorality, rebellion/tolerance which has slowing infiltrated the essence of who we are – our loving Father will not move on behalf of this nation.

    I am in travail continually that God will touch the heart of his elect – we will stir up a longing to know him, run to God (seek, turn and humble ourselves as his people).

    This is my heart’s desire,,,, we have to be about our Heavenly Father’s business – the greatest harvest is before the church.

  5. You might even say that we are worse than ancient enemies of God who practiced burning their children to death. On this side of the Cross, we already know God’s hatred of & His punishment for such crimes against His little ones. Our nation awaits extra tragedies in payment of our sins unless we sincerely call out to God for forgiveness.

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