Iran Man Convicted Of Smuggling Illegal Arms To Nigeria

Mark 13:8 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.

An Iranian national was convicted of smuggling arms into Nigeria in violation of international regulations against Iran shipping arms.

Rockets, mortars and grenades were seized on a ship in Lagos in 2010. Azim Aghajani, a reported member of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, was arrested with the weapons along with Nigerian national Usman Abbas Jega.

Aghajani is on a UN blacklist suspected of facilitating terrorist activities on behalf of the Iranian government.

Aghajani denied involvement in the shipment. The Iranian government quickly issued a statement that the weapons belonged to a “private company” and not the government. The Iranians also said the weapons were meant for a “West African country” but would not identify the country.

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