ISIS Destroys Ancient Iraqi Church

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

Islamic terrorists have burned down an ancient Iraqi church so they can build a mosque on the site.

Christian symbols and relics were destroyed in the church.  Terrorists posted fliers throughout Mosul saying the Syrian Orthodox Church of St. Ephraim is going to be reopened as “mosque of the mujahideen.”

“They (ISIS) take everything from us, but they cannot take the God from our hearts, they cannot,” said Nicodemus Sharaf, archbishop of the Syriac Orthodox Church in Mosul, who’s now a refugee.

The homes and businesses of Christians in Mosul are now marked for destruction according to a report in the BBC.

The terrorists have become so extreme that Muslims in Mosul say they’ve stopped attending mosques.

“The group has even replaced the imams in the mosques with pro-IS people,” a Mosul resident named Hisham told the BBC. “Many of us have stopped going to the mosques because those attending are asked to give an oath of allegiance and we hate that.”

Hisham reported that restrictions on women are so severe that a man was beaten because his wife’s gloves did not completely cover her hands.

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