Islamists Attack French Police Over Veil Ban

A second night of violence by Islamists angry over a French government ban on Muslim face veils burned at least 20 cars and led to four arrests.

A police official told reporters that at least 50 Islamists were involved, firing weapons at police. At least one assailant threw a gasoline bomb at police officers.

The first night’s protests had 250 people throwing projectiles at police in Trappes, France. Police were forced to use tear gas to break up the violent protest. Garbage dumpsters were set on fire and a bus shelter was destroyed.

At least five were injured in that protest. Six people were arrested on various charges.

A prosecutor said that on Friday night a woman was ticketed for wearing a face veil and her husband tried to strangle the officer who wrote the ticket. France has banned face veils since 2011.

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