Jewish Scholar Victim of Anti-Semitic Attack

John 16:2 They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God.

Three Arabic men who shouted anti-Semitic slurs attacked a Jewish scholar teaching in Paris.

The reports from Paris police say the three men grabbed the victim and threw him against a wall.  The victim was then beaten in the face until his nose was broken and deformed.  They also broke bones around his eyes.

They then threw the victim to the ground, ripped his clothing and drew a swastika on his chest.

During the attack, then men shouted “death to the Jews” and repeatedly called the victim a “dirty Jew” before punching him.

The attackers ran when the victim’s cries drew attention of people in the area.

French officials have reported a significant rise in anti-Semitic attacks in the last few weeks.

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