John Paul Jackson Passes Away

Matthew 5:4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”

John Paul Jackson is now face to face with his Savior.

The news was posted on John Paul’s Facebook page Wednesday afternoon.  His condition had been degrading through the weekend and urgent prayer requests had been sent out Monday because of falling oxygen levels.

Jackson was diagnosed with cancer in May 2014 when doctors found a large growth in his leg that they identified as an aggressive form of cancer.  The tumor was described as “nerf football sized” and weighed 12 pounds when it was removed through surgery.

At the time, Jackson praised God for allowing his sciatic nerve to be saved and that he would be able to walk again.  He also said he would be fighting through prayer.

“I am pursuing the kingdom of God and equipping people to do the same as vigorously as I am able. I refuse to allow the enemy a stronghold in my thoughts. God is great and all-powerful,” Jackson said in 2014. “I believe He will take me through this battle. In the process, God will gain a great victory and His name will be glorified.”

Jackson was internationally known for his prophetic gifting and dream interpretation.  His The Streams Institute for Spiritual Developments has trained thousands to understand and use their revelatory gifts for the benefit of the Kingdom of God.

35 thoughts on “John Paul Jackson Passes Away

  1. Even after all this time……… The world feels like a scarier place with John Paul being gone. Blessing to family and friends alike. “Having done all to stand”

  2. The watchman did, now, we must rise and our testimony has been made to tell the world that did not know the truth. The baton has been passed,,kingdom priority!!!

  3. Isaiah 57:1-2 the righteous perish and no one it in his heart devout men are taken away and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil vrs. 2thoes who walk upright enter into peace they find rest as they lie in death

  4. He was an 11th hour prophet, now passed away. We are entering into the 12th hour – the midnight hour. It will become darker and darker, and the word fo the Lord scarce.

    God does not make mistakes.

    JPJ will be “the dead in Christ raised first”. Then we which are alive will meet the Lord, together in the air.

  5. Only got to know about this great man in 2014, but his works have inspired me soo much and given me more insights than i had earlier. Without any doubt, he is in the best place all creation longs for. God richly bless his family for their role in his life and also comfort them greatly. Shalom

  6. My wife and I pray for the comfort and peace of Christ to surround the family of John Paul Jackson during this time of loss. As the Old Testament asserts: prophets were raised up for particular generations and for certain seasons. John Paul Jackson, Bob Jones, and David Wilkerson were all raised up for the appointed seasons God had ordained for them. Mr. Jackson did live to see the beginning of the end: as he testified. A new season is upon the body of Christ: and God will raise up those prophets he has kept hidden until their time. Those whom he raised to announce that the end was drawing near; he has called home. Now those who will guide the church during the end will rise up: and be a lamp unto our feet, and a light for our paths. Those who have passed were watchmen upon the tower: and those coming will lead us through the wilderness of Tribulation. There is a time and season for every purpose under heaven.

  7. Many with questions to except this as God called him home, his work was done, why did God not heal him after the victory of the tumor? He said he would be here when the last days began, I to have questions and I am reminded of Job and his questions of God and God asking him, I am grieved and heart broken because I dont understand, John once said God will get the glory for this and the victory,I sit and I wonder what he may have thought in his last hours was he in Joy or did he feel alone , confused, fearful? I dont know did he question his faith, and many wonder in there hearts as to why this Great man of faith with such a gift was taken by cancer his life was spared many times to finish a work, and God reminded me of his words My thoughts and ways are higher than yours,God did not heal him for some reason it was not because he did something wrong or because he did not have enough faith, He once said in his study on divine intervention that sometimes even after someone has died God will intervene maybe for one of his servants to call them into his purpose for his life, Maybe you, Maybe me, for me this has brought me to pursue understanding of dreams even more now, My life has changed since he passed I will never be the same, I was lost now I am found, I have wasted to much time as it is, We cannot question God Nor give into unbelief, But to just hold on to what John said God will get the Glory in this, He did what he was told to do and he taught How he does what he does.God could have taken him instantly with a heart attack, or a stroke, But cancer took his life and he learned a lot during the time of his affliction,I am not going to focus of why didnt you heal him Lord But my focus will be understanding God and his ways I will not allow a foothold for the enemy to place doubt, nor will I question God. Im Glad he is with Jesus Im Glad he will not have to go through what he saw coming on the earth But he was spared that suffering, But we who are left must press on and above all stand and let his words and what he left us to prepare us for the days ahead and not waste time. Be strong and dont loose heart He is with us always even to the end of the earth. Dawn

  8. His death is shocking and hard to understand. However, so was the death of John the Baptist at the time and the death of Stephen in the book of Acts. Hebrews 11 talks about faith. It names people who God delivered on this earth and people who paid with their life to follow God. However, in verse 39, it says that all of the people listed are known for their faith. Those who were rescued on this earth as well as those who were not. Isaiah 57:1-2 says: The righteous perish, and no one takes it to heart; the devout are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death.

  9. I feel like my best friend has left1 I hurt for his family and ask God to be with them. BUT, thanks be to my Jesus I will be able to see my friend again very very soon!

  10. I can’t say enough about how terribly sad I am for our loss of John Paul. I admired him very much for his determination to share what the Lord gave him. He had so much dignity and care for how his message would be received – a truly unique voice in the community! I’m so grateful for all that I learned through him over these years. John Paul said the Lord showed him ‘he would live to see the last days,’ and that ‘he would live to be a very old man.’ I’m not sure how to think about this today, and would welcome any insight. I feel a little lost without this wonderful spiritual father. My prayers go to all who are mourning our loss.

  11. That is a shock but Glory be to God for He calls us when we He wants us. Soooo thankful was able to watch him this last year +. Found him when his book ” the Jezebel spirit” was new thru my mom. God Bless peace, health, safe travels be with you!!!

  12. I was very shocked to here about John Paul Jackson passing away, my prayers go out to the Jackson family John Paul will be missed greatly.

  13. Another true servant of God has gone home. I am so sad to hear this but at the same time I am happy for him. His work here was done and God said come home and he did. My prayers will be for his family and all the friends he has who will miss him and be sad as a result of his passing. I really liked hearing him speak. He blessed me with his teaching. He is now with the Lord….

  14. I love John Paul Jackson’s explanation about dreams and visions. Seemed like he had the corner for teaching that plainly. I am sorry he got so sick, but if you have it, best you go fast to be with your maker.

  15. I was surprise to hear of John Paul passing. He seemed so healthy. Another Prophet goes to Heaven. David Wilkerson, Bob Jones and now John Paul. Maybe because we are not listen to the prophets God has sent us in these last days God is taking them home. My prayers are with his family. God with you also. John Paul interpreted my dream when I was there a morning side.

    Your friend in Christ,

  16. I am a dreamer and John Paul Jackson has been an inspiration in my understanding the full meanings of those dreams. You will be sorely missed. Thank God for the legacy that you left behind. We will continue to learn and glean from your teachings.

  17. I am having a hard time understanding this. How is it that someone who is so very close in relationship to God and knows that healing and health are His will could have his life ended so suddenly. Miracles happen all the time. God is supernatural. He said, “with long life will I satisfy you and show you my salvation.” How do we explain someone so gifted and needed in ministry going home so soon? If John Paul couldn’t get a miracle how is there any hope for other Christians who are praying and believing?

  18. I just read the sad news. Prayers for his family & thanks to them for sharing him with us. Such a Blessing to ALL who knew him & sat under his teachings! Most of all, thank you to Jesus, for creating, saving & filling John Paul with His Spirit. He will be missed by many but he is rejoicing in his rewards!!!

  19. The Body of Christ has lost a unique insightful General who has equipped a multitude of pastors, leaders, and intercessors world-wide with pearls of wisdom such as 1. don’t do warfare in the 2nd heavens, 2. discern and deal with Jezebel and Absalom spirits, and 3. prepare spiritually and naturally for the Perfect Storm, and 4. treasure dreams and gifts of Holy Spirit and collaborate amongst the Body of Christ to get understanding. May the Lord supply financially for his wife Diane, children, grandchildren, and all his staff… and may they hear God’s wisdom and council and lead them in His paths of Righteousness. As a watchman and intercessor for past 21 years I just want to say, with tears flowing, how thankful I am to have lots of MP3s from John Paul that I will always cherish and share with prayer warriors in training.

  20. John Paul walked the walk and talked the talk. A true Christian man and prophet from God. He will be missed by all, I also saw him on Joni’s show just the other day. This was a shock but Gods ways are the true ways for us all. Praying for his family and friends.

  21. There is no way to express the personal sadness for us who are left here, yet, once the shock wears off, we can know that the Lord never abandons any of us to a negative end but takes each string that looks untied and weaves it together for the good of many and makes a beautiful tapestry for Himself. Can’t wait to see John Paul Jackson when we all go home. Praying for his wife and family.

  22. I just discovered his ministry a few months ago and I feel that I have learned valuable information in a short period. I am so happy that he has imparted much needed hope and encouragement through his ministry and that he has left a wealth of information for us to continue to learn. I feel such a great sense of loss that I find it difficult to express. Lord protect his family as You bring comfort to them.

  23. WOW!

    This caught me very much by surprise. Big time!
    I do not fully understand why things happen the way that they often do. Yet I do have direct connection with the Creator of all that was & is & ever will be. I’ll go to Him. He will tell me.

    And then, there are those things that the enemy takes & twists (“wicked”) that the Father of Lights did not create as we see it; those things that the enemy has “modified” so to distort good for evil.

    And then there are the word curses that freely flow from the mouths of lost people, even from so called brethren. This one is huge. I’ll leave it there.

    John Paul, thank you for leaving with us such a wealth of information.
    I’ll see you soon.
    But not yet.
    Not yet.

  24. So sorry to hear of John Paul Jacksons passing…I just watched him on Joni Tabletalk the other night….but I am very happy that he is now with Jesus and no longer suffering…I will be praying for his family and his many Christian brothers and sisters…..I am in the process of selling my mobile home….God will if it sells in time…I hope to be able to come to Branson to Morningside for the Expo…to learn and prepare for these upcoming trying days ahead…I would also like to see my many brothers and sisters in Christ that I have been watching for the past 4 yrs….God bless all of you for your encouraging and practical ministries….Lord willing, see you at the expo….In His Love, Debbie in Michigan

  25. Oh my goodness! I know John Paul is face to face with our Savior and rejoicing in the Heavenly’s,. Even so, I am deeply saddened to hear the world has lost, yet another prophetic and instrumental voice in these last of days. John Paul was one of my favorites and I am deeply saddened to hear of our loss. My prayers are with his family and closest loved ones. What a tremendous loss.

    • I have just discovered him and woooh! iam not surprised he went so early to be with his kind(angels) the man looked like an angel effortlessly,his eyes first encounter will tell you there is a god in heaven watching me intently.He really is with his kind and home.
      Has anyone noticed that there is a certain kind of children of God leaving with one excuse or another just to be with our daddy?

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