Join Pastor Jim Bakker for The Shemitah: Final Update

The end of the Shemitah is coming! Prophets have been speaking about what is to come in the next year or even in the next month! The Jim Bakker Show has been taping show updates leading up to this biblical time and will be concluding Monday, September 7th at 11:30am CT on Grace Street as we tape our final update on the Shemitah and Elul 29.

For over a year we have followed the world events. We have looked in detail at historical financial roller coasters and supernatural events such as the blood moons. Are we entering the times promised us by Christ himself? What can we do as a nation to make it through what some are calling the greatest financial disaster in history? Is the church ready for what is to come and is are the signs pointing to it coming now?

We would love to see you here at Morningside or join us on our LIVE feed.

These are incredibly exciting times! It means so much that you are listening and sharing your thoughts with us!

Thank you for your incredible friendship!


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17 thoughts on “Join Pastor Jim Bakker for The Shemitah: Final Update

  1. I had surgery only to find it was the wrong surgery. Please pray for me. The doctor desensitized my whole right side. And I can’t even sue him, yet I still have to have the surgery needed.

    • Marie, I also was hurt by a doctor. I know the hurt of your heart. Go to a lawyer anyway maybe there is something you can do. ……Dear Father in Jesus name, please restore The damage the doctors caused and totally heal Marie. Let your love flow over her like a warm blanket and hold her until this trial passes. Amen.

  2. The most important thing about this special time period is to be saved!! PREPARE YOUR HEART AND GET SAVED!! You see if those people who lived in Noah’s day would have been obedient and walked through THE DOOR of the ark they would have been saved. By Faith we are saved and that not of OURSELVES!! Now Jesus says I an the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE. We walk by FAITH during the difficult times and we TRUST that HE will provide and deliver us from the 7 years of wrath upon the world. AND WE WILL NOT GO THROUGH THE TRIBULATION! Yes it is good to prepare but what about the people who do not have all this money to invest in this food. etc.????? God always provided a “WAY OUT” (or supernatural protection) for “MOSES” . DANIEL, SHADRACH, MESHACK, & ABINDIGO, and many others in the BIBLE.. this was all a precursor to show us God saves us. And in the Tribulation CHRISTIANS who are saved will NOT BE HERE on the earth! NO amount of food and supplies will save you because you are trying to save yourselves.. Those who will try and save their life will loose it, So if your are buying 7 years of food – Are you planning on living through the tribulation period? I think not. I honestly thought the only ones that were sealed were the 144,000. It’s OK to be prepared but its the **HEART **that is to be prepared before HIS return!!! Love to all!

  3. Jim,

    Let us pray for God’s mercy even upon those Christians and churches throughout America (and the world) who have indeed NOT preached the so-called “Prosperity Gospel”; but yet, have still been FAITHFUL in the Lord, in preaching righteousness, holiness, and suffering for His Great Name’s Sake; and yet, still did NOT, somehow get the prophetic words to “prepare” for the upcoming Economic Collapse.

    I personally know, here in Washington, DC, a number of Christians and churches that have been faithful to God, in preaching the Gospel and feeding “The Poor”; but yet, ironically, with these same “faithful” churches still NOT, as yet, having the benefit of having received any prophetic messages to PREPARE for what’s coming upon the United States. I know plenty of believers and churches that DO NOT subscribe to the materialistic teachings of the “Prosperity Gospel”; but yet, still have NOT, for some reason, received ANY information on God’s warnings on “preparing” for economic collapse; that is, not having heard a single “word” from God’s messengers, either locally, from DC, or nationally, from Pentecostal/charismatic/apostolic/prophetic messengers — such as Rabbi Jonathan Cahn — to prepare for God’s “judgments” upon the United States. These particular believers, I think, deserve our SPECIAL attention, for prayer; since these particular believers really are truly DEDICATED to God, looking for no attention or fan-fare for themselves; but yet, simply go about their private lives doing “great works” for the Lord………in spite of NOT yet having heard or received any “warnings” from their pastors or Christian media, as to what’s about to befall the United States.

    So, dear Jim, let’s pray for those same believers who, even as FAITHFUL as they’ve already been to God, will still be caught “off guard” when America’s economy finally collapses. Let’s pray for God’s mercy and grace be placed upon them; that the Lord would indeed give them [and myself] WISDOM on how to face the shock of an “unexpected” economic collapse; and how to survive it for the coming years.


  5. Concerning economic collapses, seems to me they might be on purpose by the elite, meaning federal reserve board members. There are 12 in all, who each are worth 200-500 billion, some say they are worth 200-500 trillion each. It seems they own all media so any money facts concerning true wealth of the planet, America, ect could possibly be rigged. As far as I know the 12 members of the federal reserve board could pay off Americas debt, and still be rich. So if it collapses, its because they want it to collapse, and reboot it in satans image. meaning a cashless society that could be used to block money from Christians who are doing the right thing, concerning creating this nation in Gods image, instead of the devils image. Somethings going on that’s for darn sure. there are no accidents in a nation like this. Somebodys are planning its every move, using economics mostly. Lets remember Babylon has three parts to it, economics, political and religious. All players are here soon to be joined by Lucifer, pretending to be Jesus returned, and he will sit in the most holy place, pretending to be Jesus returned. let the buyer beware. Peace….

    • Four hidden dynasties: education, political, financial and religion . Satan comes ( claiming to be Christ) at the 6th trump before Christ. Christ doesn’t come til the 7th trump. That’s why it is so dangerous to believe in the Rapture Doctrine. Satan will claim he is Christ and he is going to rapture you away. Ultimate deception. It is false.

    • illuminati, bildeburgs, skull and bones, bohemian club etc…very rich people determining the fate of the world…they think! One world order, one world government, one world economy, money etc…

  6. 36“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. 37But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

    Many people have been warned about what is to come beginning this month of september and following through the upcoming years, but just like Noah preached until he was commanded to gather the animals and enter the ark so have you all. JESUS SAID, “THEY KNEW NOT UNTIL THE FLOOD CAME,” the fact that they knew not was not because they weren’t warned but because they willfully chose to ignore Gods warning. The same thing is happening now as you all continue to warn people to prepare. many are heeding the warning but the majority of the people are mocking or willfully choosing not to listen. I have personally warned people and have had some tell me that they did not want to hear it because it was scary. Also people choose not to hear the warning because they have all their goals and plans for the future mapped out and they cant imagine their agenda collapsing right before their eyes. Its actually insane because you would think that people would want to know when devastating danger is right around the corner but most people would rather get caught off guard. For example, its like a man who took a lion cub in because it was small and cute and at the moment seemed to pose no threat. from the time the cub was taken into his bosom he had received warning from people to release the cat into the wild but he says no. the man continues to say, “The lion wont harm me because it has known me since it was a cub, and I treat it very well. The lion grows larger as it becomes older, but it also becomes more aggressive, the the owner of the lion just looks at it as harmless play. The lion reaches adult hood and the owner of the lion proceeds to try to play with it as he did when he was older, but suddenly the owner gets the feeling that this time is different, but as he realizes it, it is already too late. At 6pm on the local news channel there is breaking news. “Lion mauls and eats the man who reared him.” Just like the lion grew and ate its owner, so has the cup of iniquity in America, and judgement is about eat those alive who refused to accept the warnings. We say, “it will never happen to me or it will never happen in America, but WAKE UP AMERICA!! THE LION IS FULL GROWN!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Will be watching and learning all I can ! Thank you ! Tell the world on your show to read the book of acts ! Peter tells us how to get saved in the second chapter of the book of acts and shows a person getting saved in the tenth chapter !

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