Kidnapped Teen Found 10 Years Later

Jeremiah 30:17 KJV For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord...

Police in Santa Ana, California have arrested a man who kidnapped a 15-year-old girl ten years ago and then forced her to marry him and have his children.

Isidro Gracia disappeared in 2004 with his live-in girlfriend’s daughter who he had been raping for three months.  He then drugged her and kept her addicted to drugs while they moved to a house in Compton, California.  He obtained fake IDs for both of them and then kept her locked in a garage until her mid-20s.

He brainwashed her into thinking because she didn’t speak English, she was illegal and would be deported if she contacted police.  He then forced her to marry him so she would be “legal” and then have his child so she couldn’t be deported.  He said the girl’s family told him they’d given up looking for her and no longer wanted her.

Police discovered the situation when the women found her sister on Facebook and contacted her.

The 41-year-old Garcia is facing charges of kidnapping, rape, false imprisonment and other charges.  He is facing life without parole if convicted on all the charges against him.

The woman, who is not being named because she was a minor when taken, has been reunited with her family.  She said that she plans to raise her daughter in a loving family environment and to obtain an education.

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