Legendary West Virginia Coach Banned From Graduation

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

A legendary West Virginia high school football coach has been banned from speaking at graduation because a few people objected to his references to God in last year’s speech.

Despite an overwhelming majority of students, parents and faculty wanting Leon McCoy to speak at the 2014 graduation of Winfield High School, he was told he would not be welcomed back because a few people didn’t want to be exposed to someone mentioning God.

“There were complaints on me allowing prayer and so forth. Unfortunately, the law says we can’t do that,” school principal Bruce McGrew told the Charleston Daily Mail. “I don’t like it and by no means agree with it. … It’s a difficult situation when I am forced to do something as part of my job.”

McCoy said he understands the decision.  He said that in the past Christians were allowed to speak in public with their views but now laws keep them from being able to share their beliefs.

Several students and parents plan to protest graduation, saying that a handful of anti-Christianists should not be able to dictate a ceremony for everyone else.

2 thoughts on “Legendary West Virginia Coach Banned From Graduation

  1. The supreme court is like an osrtich with it’s head in the sand waiting obliviously to receive a butt kick! The closer to the rapture the blinder humans become.

  2. Bro Jim, Who passed the law? 1st. Amendment says congress can not make a law. Keeping people from expressing their Christian faith. Where is the supreme court?

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