Like A Mighty Wind

Acts 2:1-4—“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” KJV

Have you ever wanted to have an “Upper Room” experience? In the second chapter of Acts we learn of a tremendous move of the Holy Spirit which touched all those who had gathered in prayer. In Acts 2:1 we’re told that everyone was in one accord. The ongoing prayer and unity prepared the Upper Room participants for the Holy Spirit invasion. And such was the case during our recent trip to Heritage USA the week of February 25th-March 2nd. Morningside staff, our Prayer Team and other faithful prayer warriors at Heritage had interceded for this restoration trip.

A little history needs to be shared at this point. Before the Upper Room at Heritage was first constructed, Pastor Jim Bakker had gone to Israel and had written down the exact measurements of the original Upper Room. Pastor Jim wanted the Upper Room at Heritage to be an exact replica of the one in Acts. God had spoken to Pastor Jim that this would be a place of divine appointment. The restored Upper Room is still a place where prayer is offered up continually. Those of you who visited Heritage can remember the wonderful meetings and encounters with the Lord that occurred there.

Just a few years ago, Russell James, a former PTL employee, was chosen by God to buy and restore the Upper Room. When God directed Russell to purchase the building, he really didn’t know how it could be done, but, he was obedient to God’s instructions. The building had sat dormant for about 22 years and was in horrible condition–full of mold, broken glass and in need of much repair. When Russell purchased the property God gave him a vision of what would occur in the Upper Room. Russell saw in the spirit people being filled with the Holy Ghost, healed, delivered and many slain in the Spirit laying out on the floor.

During the Restoration Celebration, services were held every night – Monday through Friday – in the Upper Room. The Morningside Prayer Team was asked to conduct communion services as needed and to minister alongside the evening speakers for that week. The Jim Bakker Show was broadcast from the Upper Room on Thursday. This was a very healing and restorative time for Pastor Jim.

Our own Kevin Shorey was the main speaker for four nights. Kevin taught us how to receive our miracle and what the qualifications are for a miracle. He also spoke about maintaining our joy during difficult times. We were reminded that we represent Jesus Christ wherever we go. One night Kevin Shorey had us form a “prayer tunnel”. Hands were laid on each person as they passed through the tunnel. Prophetic words were spoken to the individuals by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Pastor Randy Hill ministered on Thursday night. On that particular night, Russell James began sobbing openly. What he had seen in the vision about the Upper Room was happening before his very eyes and he was overcome with the emotion and anointing of the moment. Lives were changed, bodies healed and many were delivered and ministered to by the Holy Spirit. Some were observed dancing before the Lord, laughing, tears of joy and healing were flowing, etc.

After the final service, many departed to their hotel room for a much needed rest. But God had a special assignment for the Prayer Team and many of the Master Media students. We ended up in a large hallway until after 4 a.m. the next morning!! The Holy Ghost blessed us with a move of the Spirit – like a mighty wind!! God sent a prophet who lives at Morningstar Ministries who spoke wonderful prayers and blessings over each of us. Everyone left encouraged, very uplifted and will always remember our encounters with God at Heritage. Our God is an awesome God and we will forever be thankful for our “Like a mighty wind” experience.

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