Massive Jewish New Year’s Terror Plot Against Israel Revealed

Zechariah 12:3 “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”

Editor's Note: Jim Bakker teaches to watch Israel closely because it is the prophetic timeclock for the unfolding of Last Days events. In Matthew 24, Israel is the fig tree that the Lord told His people to observe to understand the times. It is like a barometer of what is happening in the nations.

A plot by Hamas terrorists and associated terror groups to make a massive attack on Israeli citizens on Rosh Hashanah has been exposed by Israeli security forces.

The announcement of the foiled plot were released late yesterday by Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu in a meeting with his cabinet.  He said the plot was so massive that the death toll would have quickly and easily passed the 2,200 deaths suffered during the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

A former U.S. Marine Corps general who had visited the site of the offensive in Gaza said that he saw tunnels designed for attacks on Israel and in locations designed to avoid response from Israeli troops.

“Unlike tunnels that I had seen during the Iraq war that were designed for smuggling, this Hamas tunnel was designed for launching murder and kidnapping raids. The 3-mile-long tunnel was reinforced with concrete, lined with telephone wires, and included cabins unnecessary for infiltration operations but useful for holding hostages,” Gen. James T. Conway, USMC (ret.) wrote in the Wall Street Journal.  He noted the tunnels were located near schools.

The massive amount of tunnels lead one Israeli intelligence official to tell reporters it’s almost as if there is a “second underground Gaza.”

One thought on “Massive Jewish New Year’s Terror Plot Against Israel Revealed

  1. Obama & John Kerry are standing on sinking sand.

    The Almighty is the shield, the buckler, the defender of Israel and those who choose to fight against Israel have picked a fight with the LORD God of Heaven who will not be defeated.
    Reading Revelation 20 causes me to pray for the salvation of the foolish.

    May Yeshua Ha Mashiach be praised!

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