Meriam Ibrahim Encourages Naghmeh Abedini At National Conference

1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

Two women who have been on the front lines of the battle for religious freedom in the world took center stage at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C.

Meriam Ibrahim, the woman who had been sentenced to death in Sudan for her Christian faith, appeared to accept the “Cost of Discipleship” award at the Summit and used her speech to encourage the wife of American pastor Saeed Abedini, who is imprisoned in Iran for his Christian faith.

“Do not fear; be strong. Take care of your kids and the Lord will be with you,” she said to Naghmeh Abedini, who addressed the Summit in her own address.  Ibrahim called Abedini “her sister” and encouraged her to stand strong no matter what evil the Iranians may throw her husband’s way.

Ibrahim, who gave birth to her daughter Maya while shackled in chains to a wall of the prison, spoke of the weight the imprisonment had on her young son Martin, who was also kept in the prison.

“That was the most difficult time for me because Martin would want to go with him and grab on to him and I would stand there unable to do anything because he’s a child. He didn’t understand why he was in jail through no fault of his. He didn’t understand why kids were able to play outside and enjoy themselves and be with their parents, their fathers and mothers,” described Ibrahim.

Ibrahim thanked everyone who prayed and worked to obtain her release and her family’s escape from Sudan.

One thought on “Meriam Ibrahim Encourages Naghmeh Abedini At National Conference

  1. These two Christian Women Martyrs of the Faith need our love & prayers to stand faithful to their God & husbands. These have been trying times but we know God is faithful & He will see you through these difficult times. He promises not to give us more than we can bear but with the trial, He’ll make a way of escape. Our prayers & love goes out to both Pastor Saeed Abedini & his precious wife, Naghmeh Abedini & their babies. God is with you & promises never to leave or forsake you & you can bank on all of His promises for they are yea & amen! We are so grateful that Meriam Ibraham has been released & reunited with her husband & with their children can be a family together here. God grant them His peace & the ability to forgive their jailors as Paul & Silas did when they were imprisioned. They sang praises to God at midnight & were a great testimony to their jailor & the other prisoners. The jailor & his whole family were saved for eternity. I’m sure there will be precious fruit as a result of these imprisonments.
    God is still in control in Iran & Sudan & He will have the last word. These people need to know the Love of the Lord as they only know terror, hatred, & killing. They need to know God’s forgiveness as well as mans. God bless & encourage your heart & heal the hurt & brokenness you feel.

    In His Love,

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