Morningside Hosts Prophetic Conference September 14th – 18th, 2015

Numbers 12:6 He said, "Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the LORD, shall make Myself known to him in a vision I shall speak with him in a dream.

Morningside is excited to be hosting our Prophetic Conference, September 14th – 18th, 2015.   We understand how important it is to bring today’s prophets  together to address the current conditions of this world.  It is vital to know what God is revealing and what is coming next!

Special Guests featured at the conference will be Rick Joyner, Joel Richardson, Rick Wiles, Chuck Missler, John Shorey, Michael Snyder  and Bill Salus! These are men who have the courage to speak the truth about what God is telling them!  We will be taping every day with a Seminar scheduled for each afternoon and special evening services at night!   This is the time when we NEED to hear the prophet’s call!

Survival Food is getting harder to get and we have finally received 3 tractor trailer loads of Joseph Storehouse Food for Morningside’s own survival  supply. Whoever attends the conference will be the only partners that will be able to purchase food in bulk from our Old Mill Warehouse for the entire week!   This may be last time to get food in bulk for a long time!

Please join us for this historic and remarkable opportunity to hear the  Prophets and Teachers of  Today!  We look forward to seeing you there!

11 thoughts on “Morningside Hosts Prophetic Conference September 14th – 18th, 2015

    • Hi Eve, there is no charge and if you’re wanting to stay in the condos that week feel free to give us a call for rates. 417-779-9000

    • Hi Karen you can do either one. The pre-registration is for us to get an idea of how many people are planning to come and there is usually a giveaway drawing for those who pre-register.

  1. Is registration required? If so, how is that to be accomplished? Or do participants just show up? I plan on attending. Thanks for your help. Oh, is your water well repaired yet? Shalom Shalom.

    • Hi Cheri you can do either one. The pre-registration is for us to get an idea of how many people are planning to come and there is usually a giveaway drawing for those who pre-register. Check back online later today or tomorrow for more info & registration. (There’s a little ad on the main page that you will click once that page goes live.)

    • Hi Dr. Patrick keep watching the website for more info on the Prophetic Conference. Details should be posted soon.

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