Muslim Brotherhood Banned In Egypt

Luke 21:9-10: [Jesus said] "When you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away." Then he said to them, "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom."

An Egyptian court has ruled that the Muslim Brotherhood is banned from operating within the country.

The decision by the Cairo Court for Urgent Matters applied the ruling to the Islamist group, its non-governmental organization and any group that claims to be affiliated with the Islamist organization.

The interim government can now take the Brotherhood’s funds and free all assets until the appeals process ends. It can also seize buildings, equipment and other property that is believed to be owned by the Brotherhood.

The Brotherhood had been banned in Egypt since 1954 but during the revolution against former leader Hosni Mubarak became a political force. While claiming to be “non-theocratic,” the group worked to install Sharia based laws upon seizing power and tried to change the Constitution of the country to favor Islamists.

Leading brotherhood members told the BBC that they will not be going anywhere and will work to have the ruling overturned in appeals.

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