Muslim Youth Burn Christian Church in Kenya

John 16:2 Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God.

A group of Muslim youth attacked and burned a Salvation Army church in Mombasa, Kenya, killing four people.

Police attributed the attack to anger over the shooting of an imam earlier in the week. Muslims are claiming the police are using the attack by the Islamic terrorist group al-Shabab two weeks ago as a basis to harass other Muslims.

The imam and three others were found dead in a car that was riddled with bullet holes. Muslim leaders are claiming local police assassinated the imam. Kenyan police are denying any link to the murder.

An imam who was killed in August 2012 mentored the murdered imam, Sheikh Ibrahim Omar. That imam, Aboud Rogo, was a fundraiser and recruiter for the terrorist group al-Shabab.

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