Mysterious Outbreak Spreads To 38 States

Revelation 6:7,8 NCV When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, "Come!"8 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse. Its rider was named death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill people by war, by starvation, by disease, and by the wild animals of the earth.

The mysterious viral illness that has been striking children has now spread to 38 states.

The Centers for Disease Control has confirmed 226 cases of enterovirus 68.  However, the CDC admits that many other children have likely been infected with the virus and was not severe enough to seek medical attention at a hospital.

Doctors say the reports of the CDC are the “tip of the iceberg” for the mysterious virus.

University of Chicago’s Medicine Comer Children’s Hospital has been forced to divert ambulances to other hospitals because the emergency room was filled with children suffering from severe respiratory illness.  It was the first time in 10 years the hospital had to divert ambulances.

Doctors say that while enteroviruses are common illnesses, enterovirus 68 is rare.

“Parents would love to know why this virus is causing severe disease and why there are more cases,” Rafal Tokarz, an associate research scientist at Columbia University who has studied the virus, told the New York Times, “but we won’t be able to answer that until a lot more research is done.”

3 thoughts on “Mysterious Outbreak Spreads To 38 States

  1. Please stop trying to blame the innocent…. other children born in another country did not cause this, nor did poor primates cause ebola. Ebola has always been there; deep within the many many layers or debris in the deep rain forests and jungles. It’s Man’s greed and irresponsibility to the Earth God gave us to tend that caused it to surface and the poor monkeys and other apes got infected with it, drinking water! We did it to them! God promised He would allow plagues (plural) to come onto us if we did not live in obedience to Him and His commandments. The only reason we did not have any of this to deal with before at this large a scale, and as many, is because we were under His Protection! By the way, the CDC has every single contagious disease including Ebola in incubation right here in their labs….. and wasn’t it broken into in the recent past…… wake up people. So, what ever happened to Agenda 21 and the ole conspiracy theory….. just disappeared into thin air, huh….. elementary, my dear Watson, two plus two equals four.

  2. The only antiviral that I know of that works is NANO SILVER. Many thanks to the Bakkers for carrying this product in 2 forms, liquid and gel. Amazing stuff

  3. I wonder if this virus came for all the children the US let in, they said some of them were ill. And that they were sent to there relatives here in the different states.

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