National Day of Prayer May 1st

This year the National Day of Prayer will be on Thursday, May 1st. We invite you to join with us as we pray for America. This day of prayer is a vital part of our American heritage. The first call to prayer was made in 1775. The Continental Congress asked all the colonies to pray and ask God for wisdom in the formation of a nation.

This recognition of the importance of prayer has continued throughout America’s history. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln called for a day of “humiliation, fasting, and prayer”. A joint resolution was made by Congress in 1952 which was signed by President Harry Truman declaring that day an annual, national day of prayer. Then in 1988 President Reagan set the national day of prayer to be observed on the first Thursday of May every year.

The Chairman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, Mrs. Shirley Dobson, wife of Family Talk founder, Dr. James Dobson has selected the theme for this year to be: “One Voice, United in Prayer” in agreement with Romans 15:6 – “So that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Shirley Dobson requests: “In these few remaining days leading up to the 2014 National Day of Prayer on May 1 – and on that occasion, in particular – it’s my prayer that the Body of Christ will recommit itself to vigilant and unceasing intercession. If we do not weary in this, there’s no telling how powerfully God will answer!”

The Jim Bakker Show and Morningside Church acknowledge that prayer is of utmost importance. Without the foundation of prayer in our life or ministry, nothing of lasting value can be accomplished.

God has chosen prayer as the method that He responds to and works through to bring His will to this earth. It is vital that we pray for God’s will to be done on earth and in our lives. His will is revealed in His Word. Jesus prayed to the Father in Heaven, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” Now, if Jesus needed to pray for the Father’s will to be done, how much more do we need to!

Pastor John Hagee will be on the Jim Bakker Show on the National Day of Prayer. We believe that the timing of this is very significant. Join with us in prayer on May 1st for the righteous to rule our nation and for the leaders of our country to know God in a personal intimate way. Pray for them to seek His face, His will and desires for our nation. I think we can all agree that this is a critical time for our nation. Let’s continually pray for our leaders and our nation.

God is a good God and He desires to bless our nation, but how can we be blessed if we are turning away from Him and His ways? That is where the intercession of God’s people can truly make a difference. We start with ourselves individually, humbling ourselves before the Lord, repenting of our sins, turning away from them and following God. THEN the Lord will heal our land.

II Chronicles 7:14—“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

May God bless America as we once again turn our hearts back to Him!

One thought on “National Day of Prayer May 1st

  1. Sure needed to know this but the Body of Christ in the USA also needs to know that in midst of the challenges that the government is putting up against the Church there are laws in favor of our nation as we are called to prayer before the Lord Almighty. God be praised.

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