Netanyahu Calls Out Hypocrisy By World Leaders At UN

II Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called out the hypocrisy of world leaders in condemning and attacking the Islamic terrorist group ISIS while not seeing the similarities between ISIS and Hamas.

Netanyahu spoke to the general assembly of the United Nations on Monday.

“Last week, many of the countries represented here rightly applauded President Obama for leading the effort to confront ISIS, and yet weeks before, some of these same countries, the same countries that now support confronting ISIS, opposed Israel for confronting Hamas. They evidently don’t understand that ISIS and Hamas are branches of the same poisonous tree,” Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu laid out the similarities between the groups including their expressed desire to destroy the nation of Israel.

“As Hamas’ charter makes clear, Hamas’ immediate goal is to destroy Israel, but Hamas has a broader objective. They also want a caliphate. Hamas shares the global ambitions of its fellow militant Islamists, and that’s why its supporters wildly cheered in the streets of Gaza as thousands of Americans were murdered in 9/11, and that’s why its leaders condemn the United States for killing Osama bin Laden whom they praised as a holy warrior,’ Netanyahu explained.

Netanyahu said that ISIS must be destroyed and that Israel will back the effort to eliminate the extremist group.

3 thoughts on “Netanyahu Calls Out Hypocrisy By World Leaders At UN

  1. All of mankind; we are ALL created in the image of God, our Creator. What nation, group of people or any one person; has the right to tell another nation, group of people that they do NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO EXIST???!!! This is so inhumane; they believe that their animals have a right to exist, just for the fact that they were born but somehow; Jews and now Christians do not. If God is for Israel (and He is), then who can be against them?(and win). God will never abandon the “apple of His eye” and whom ever messes with His children, He shall repay and avenge a hundred fold! I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy, to be at the receiving end of God’s wrath for harming or attempting to harm His child (Israel). Marantha, Yahushua ha Mashiach!!! Come quickly Lord Jesus!!! I lift up Jerusalem and pray for her Shalom!

  2. Lets see what happens now, today the 3rd of October beginning of the Jewish Holiday and ending of the Muslims Holiday; Remember the 8th of October is a BLOOD MOON! God is going to liet us know he is not pleased with what is prepared. Lainey McGee

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