Nevada Officials Find All Fish Dead In Lake

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

Nevada state wildlife officials are completely baffled as to the reason all the fish in a northern Nevada marina have died.

Over 100,000 trout, bass and catfish have been found dead in the past month in the Sparks Marina near Interstate 80 east of Reno.  A sudden dramatic drop of dissolved oxygen levels in the water is being blamed for the deaths.

Officials say they have no reason for the decreased oxygen.

Nevada Department of Wildlife spokesman Chris Healy said that the 100,000 figure is likely a conservative estimate for the fish kill. The Department had been stocking the lake with about 1 million fish since 1998.

“We don’t know if any small fish have survived, but for all intents and purposes, the fishery doesn’t exist anymore,” Healy told the Associated Press.

The Department stocking of the lake scheduled for late February has been cancelled pending further testing.

2 thoughts on “Nevada Officials Find All Fish Dead In Lake

  1. You probably heard about the porposes died in the Carolinas recently. People need to get their heads out of their hi tech devices long enough to realize our world is in trouble.

    • I agree with the point of getting all our heads OUT of our high tech devices. They are “de(devil) vices”, plain and simple. We, the whole world, are suffering from this millennial type of sickness that the devil saved for a kind of “last hat trick”. I, pretty much always have issues with my kids and grandkids about putting down the tablet, or the i-phone, or the computer, it is as if they are in his trance or under his spell. I despise when I have to now compete for their attention. They cannot hear my voice, how can they hear the voice of GOD? It has to come to an end. It won’t be pretty, but maybe what the world needs is for it to stop is an E.M.P. or something to hit and for all electricity to be down for long enough for a meeting of the minds.. Say Hallelujah if you agree?

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