New York High School Prohibits Christian Student Group

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

A New York high school is denying a Christian student her right to form a student group on campus.

Elizabeth Loverde had proposed a “Dare To Believe” club to the principal of Wantagh High School and was reportedly told by Principal Carolyn Breivogel that the group would be rejected because it would violate the Constitution.

The Liberty Institute has stepped in to help Loverde protect her Constitutional rights.

“Once a secondary school such as yours creates a limited open forum, it cannot deny equal access to student groups on the basis of the religious content of the students’ speech,” read a letter to the school from the Institute. “We therefore demand that the school reconsider its position, approve Liz’s club proposal, and grant official recognition to Dare to Believe.”

The school has released a statement saying that they are now reviewing the request.

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