Norwegian Singer Arrested On Terror Charges In France

A musician from Norway who has connections to the mass murder Anders Breivik has been arrested in France on “suspicion he was preparing a major terrorist act.”

Kristian “Varg” Vikernes was called a “threat to society” by the French Interior Ministry. Vikernes is reportedly connected to neo-Nazis and received a manifesto from Breivik, who killed 77 in a bomb and gun attack on Oslo, Norway and a nearby island in July 2011.

Vikernes and his wife, a French citizen, were taken into custody after his wife purchased four rifles. Police are searching their homes and property for weapons and explosives.

Vikernes is a convicted murderer. In 1994, he stabbed a man to death in Oslo, Norway and burned down several churches.

“There were several suspicions that made the services fear he could possibly carry out a violent act,” an official with the Paris Prosecutor Office told the BBC.

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