NSA Building Supercomputer To Crack Systems

Daniel 12:4 NLT “But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase."

The National Security Agency is trying to build a new supercomputer that could break any kind of encryption used anywhere in the world.

The system would allow the NSA to break into any bank account, any government agency, and any medical record. The computer’s existence was confirmed via documents released by fugitive NSA leaker Edward Snowden.

The “quantum computer” is part of a program titled Penetrating Hard Targets.

The documents say the NSA has been working on its system in giant rooms that are essentially huge Faraday cages. The cages are aimed to stop any kind of electromagnetic energy from being able to access the supercomputer.

One thought on “NSA Building Supercomputer To Crack Systems

  1. So my husband and I read this and thought, what is to stop the government from going into bank accounts of conservatives and/or Christians and just taking money from them and transfer it into their own accounts or government agency accounts? What is to stop them from going into retirement military checks of Christians and/or conservatives and changing the dollar amounts of the checks to be sent (or other government employees in other agencies that are career retirees)? What is going to stop them from even deleting the files of those who are to receive these checks in the first place? What is to stop them from going into medical records of gun owners and putting in something false regarding mental conditions to have a right to deny ability to be a gun owner? What will stop them from breaking into other United States of America government agencies that may come against them to try and stop them, thereby erasing computer files of evidence, but not stopping there? They’d also then have to do away with hard copies perhaps by arson under a false flag attack. They could ruin lives of many. They could take down businesses if they have these capabilities. They could take church donations right out of the banks. They could make IRS tax amounts owed by some people show up as them owing more if they can access everything. Their power would be unlimited to destroy or to enrich those they wanted. There is nothing good in this. It could be used for evil and in light of things happening in this country, very likely would. Come Quickly Lord Jesus Come. Thanks for this information, in light of it, my husband and I said we really need to save to get our tiny little travel trailer insulted and fixed up, so in the event we needed to live in it in winter months we could.

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