Oklahoma City Area Tornado Widest In Recorded History

Matthew 24:7 Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

Editor’s Note: Prophet Rick Joyner warns that when you see strange and extreme weather (record breaking highs, lows, floods, droughts, tornadoes, storms), it is a prophetic sign that the Revelation Days are upon us.

The National Weather Service on Tuesday confirmed Friday’s night’s massive tornado that struck El Reno, OK, was the second EF-5 twister to strike the Oklahoma City area in less than two weeks.

The width of the tornado was measured at 2.6 miles, the widest tornado in recorded history.

Forecasters say the path of the tornado led it just south of the majority of El Reno’s homes and businesses helping to keep the death toll low.

“If it was two more miles this way, it would have wiped out all of downtown, almost every one of our subdivisions and almost all of our businesses,” El Reno Mayor Matt White told the AP. “It would have taken out everything. It’s very scary … I don’t think a normal person can fathom just how scary. I don’t think they realize how lucky El Reno was.”

The town did lose their vocational-technical center and cattle stockyard.

One thought on “Oklahoma City Area Tornado Widest In Recorded History

  1. I live in El Reno and it is not a good feeling to hear the name of your street called out on live TV by the news station meteorologists, telling you to get underground NOW!

    The tornado skimmed by us, but then there was the 2 hours of pounding hail that we could not avoid. The hail was ALL sizes, from pea size all the way up to softball size, and it just wouldn’t stop. Every neighbor, on every side of us, had this hail go completely through the roofing shingles and through the decking, leaving holes that poured in torrential rain. Our roof held without leaks…Thank you Lord! Yes we have damage, but it can be repaired, and we have insurance. We are very thankful to be alive!

    As mentioned in the above article, the vo-tech was severely hit and those who were in the building at the time must surely know that it was the hand of God that protected them from certain death.

    I know of 4 employees who had storm damage at their own homes, yet upon getting word of the vo-tech damage, each drove to the school and stayed to help, delaying their own recovery. There has been amazing teamwork of the staff. To go from thankfulness for being alive, to shock of seeing such devastation, to jumping in and getting to work, then working everyday without a day off since the event, to exhaustion, unable to eat or sleep well from all the stress, they’ve been through it all.

    On Day One of the disaster,(when everyone was in shock), I asked my family member when he came home at one in the a.m., “Did you pray when you saw the devastation?” He said, “No, there wasn’t time…BUT several times today I said, ‘God is with us. It is obvious He is helping us!'” And he smiled a peaceful, knowing smile, assured that God had been faithful to him and his co-workers.

    Since that first day, there has been time to pray and lift up all who are exhausted and disappointed. Sometimes their expectations of themselves is too high. My goodness, they literally WERE hit by a tornado! They need to cut themselves some slack and not trust in their strength but in God’s strength.

    So what does it all boil down to? Are we in the last days? I’m convinced we are. So what are we to do? Be holy for God is holy. Sin is what God says is sin, not what we define it to be. I can not make America repent, but I can repent and draw close to the Lord. I can expect to hear from Him and I can obey. He invites me to cast all my cares on Him, for He cares for me. He hides me under the shadow of His wing and in Him I can rest.

    Despite this being the widest recorded tornado…

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